Chapter 16| Diagnosis

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thank u so much RubyxPearl for helping me yet again come up with an idea for this chapter

Previously on Welcome Back

Madam Pomfrey was woken up by a shrill scream that pierced the night. She awoke with a start and headed outside her bedroom (which was attached to her office). When she got there she saw that the others had snuck in when she was asleep and were starHarry's Harrys bed looking mortified. She moved past the pillar that was right beside her office to see that Harry was floating, 5 feet into the air, His eyes were wide open and it looked like he was awake, but asleep at the same time.

"Harry!!!" Lily yelled tears falling down her face


Harry had been floating around in the air for at least a minutes, his face convulsing and he was making weird expressions as well. Lily wanted to get him down but Madam Pomfrey warned her that something bad might happen.

Lily was still standing right beside Harry's bed with the others when a raspy voice unlike Harrys came out of Harrys mouth, but it only spoke one sentence.

"The charm has been lifted, the boy will die," the voice said and then after that Harry landed on the bed with a thud, his face holding a pained expression.

"Get Dumbledore," James said shaking while Sirius and Remus ran out of the door followed by Ron while Hermione and Lily were comforting each other.

In Harry's Mind

Harry looked around, he was in a throne room which was Slytherin styled. He was standing right beside the throne and in the throne was someone he couldn't see but he knew that it was Voldemort. Someone was talking to him, one of his death eaters Harry assumed

"My Lord, The Potters, They have come back to life," said a man with short curly hair and small eyes

"How is this possible Rookwood?" Voldemort demanded

"I do not know my lord" Rookwood said with his head bowing down "The only reason I know that they are alive is because a little birdie, or in our case a rat told me"

Voldemort laughed and Harry then realized that HE was Voldemort. He was looking at his from his view but he had no control over what was happening. Voldemort then hit Rookwood with the cruciatus curse and for Harry, it felt like HE was the one who Voldemort had cast the cruciatus on, even though he could hear Rookwood screaming. Harry tried to control the pain but he couldn't. He then felt himself falling down and down into the darkness and then suddenly everything went black but the effects of the cruciatus still remained on Harry.

In the Hospital Wing

Harry woke up to some noises and something cool being placed on his forehead, except, he couldn't open his eyes, no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't. Harry could hear voices around him and he could smell the medicine which was put on the towel placed on his forehead but he couldn't open his eyes. Harry tried for a few minutes and then finally after a while he could open them. Harry looked around and saw that everything was fuzzy. He tried to sit up and reach for his glasses but he hissed as he tried to get up which caught everyones attention.

"Harry? Honey your awake" Harry heard Lily say and then he felt someone violently put on his glasses. He blinked his eyes and saw that everyone was gathered around his bed, but what really shocked him was Albus Dumbledore walking into the wing with an instrument in his hands that looked like a green bowl with Rubys around it.

"Harry m'boy, lie down, relax," Dumbledore said the twinkle in his eyes missing.

Dumbledore then put the bowl on the table right next to Harry's bed and was tapping the bowl with his wand and were muttering a few words. Then steam came out of that bowl despite it being ice cold. The steam turned into a few different colors and when that was done Dumbledore smiled gravely at Lily and James who, Harry realized were holding his hands.

"This isn't some sort of normal disease" Dumbledore informed them "Lily, when you died, you protected Harry with your love which allowed him to survive the killing curse, However, now you are alive and the charm has been broken"

Lily let go of Harry's arm and said "Well, what do I have to do then? Do I have to die again"

"NO" Harry yelled at that suggestion, Dumbledore however ignored him and said "No, The charm was activated when you sacrificed yourself for Harry"

"Then how do we help him?" Asked Sirius concern lacing his voice

"I do not know yet, this has never happened before so it will take some time to find a cure," Dumbledore said which caused an outrage from everyone.

Harry's head began spinning like crazy when everyone started screaming and it must have showed on his face because the next moment Madam Pomfrey told everyone that she will kick them out if they continue screaming.

"I will look into this matter, there most definitely is a cure for this, we just need to find it" Dumbledore said and with that he left the room leaving Madam Pomfrey to give Harry a dreamless sleeping potion which Harry gratefully accepted, the last thing he saw was his parents smiling sadly at him

a/n: hey guys, I'm back, yay, I think, shrugs, any ways thanks for being patient with me I really do appreciate it and I appreciate u reading this and commenting, I have to go cuz my moms about to take my computer from me. BYE!!

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