Chapter 28| Hogsmeade

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Previously on Welcome Back

"I throw my ferret into the air sometimes, saying ay-oh, this is Draco," Harry said moving his hands up and down.

Everyone started laughing until their sides started to hurt. As the day came to an end and they headed to bed, they all felt that this was a good day


The next morning James woke up early to go to Dumbledores office to talk about Sirius' trial.

James was so excited that he even managed to get a disgruntled Sirius to wake up early. They both showered and then headed down to the kitchen. They were in the kitchen drinking their coffee when Harry came downstairs.

"What are you doing up this early?" James asked Harry with his eyebrows raised

Harry shrugged and quietly said "nightmares"

Sirius made a cup of hot cocoa and passed it to Harry.

"Can I come with you?" Harry pleaded

James sighed and said "Lily will already have my head for not immediately sending you to bed, and for not getting mad at you that you aren't resting"

"A boy gets tired of being permanently attached to his bed" Harry argued

"I know pup, but sorry no, unless you can wake your mother up and convince her to let you go." James firmly said

Harry went upstairs to his mother's room with a smile after hearing James say that. He knew that his mother was a deep sleeper and would probably let him go if she was only half awake when he asked her

Harry walked inside his mother's room and shook her

Lily groaned and that was Harry's cue to ask her

"Mum, can I go with Dad and Sirius to Dumbledores office to talk about Sirius's trial?" Harry asked speaking really fast.

"sure, whatever you want," Lily said sleepily and then went back to being dead asleep.

Harry gave himself a mental pat on the shoulder and then left the room to tell his dad and Sirius.

After telling them Harry took a quick shower and then changed into blue jeans and a black hoodie.

He then went downstairs and looked at Sirius and James who were waiting for him by the door.

"Let's go?" Sirius asked and offered his arm to Harry so that he could apparate him to Hogsmeade.

Harry took it and before Sirius was about to apparate James said "Don't think that I don't know what you did. The easiest time to get Lily to agree to something is when she's asleep, its the oldest trick in the book"

Harry smiled sheepishly and then let Sirius apparate him to Hogsmeade.

When they got there, they all raced each other to Hogwarts. They were all out of breath when they got there. Harry particularly looked green.

"Harry, you ok??" James asked worriedly.

Harry nodded but then the next second turned his head around and threw up.

Sirius was rubbing soothing circles on his back while James was looking for some water for Harry to cleanse out his mouth with when he was done.

Harry looked sheepish when he was done, Sirius vanished his puke and then James gave him some water to gargle.

When Harry spat the water out, James asked: "What's wrong?"

"I may have forgotten to take my medicine" Harry embarrassedly admitted

James sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"was it muggle medicine?" Sirius asked Harry and Harry nodded

"Its fine Prongs, Madam Pomfrey probably has some," Sirius assured James

James nodded and asked Harry "anything else you want to tell us?"

"I forgot my inhaler" Harry sheepishly admitted

James sighed, this was where he was to step up and scold Harry

"Harry, you know you have asthma after what that bitc- Vernon did right?' James asked Harry gently

Harry nodded feeling ashamed

"You know that you could die if you don't have your inhaler right?" James asked Harry again and once again Harry nodded hoping that the ground will swallow him.

"If you don't forget to take it anywhere else then I don't see why we should have to tell Lily," James told him

Harry looked up at him and smiled, he loved his mother, but she could go all Mrs. Weasley on him if she wanted to.

James helped Harry up from the ground and the Padfoot slung his arm over Harry's shoulder and they all walked into Hogwarts.

a/n: yo wassup? Ik I said that this chapter would be in Dumbledores office but I promise that it will be next chapter, I am honestly so tired, exams r coming up and yea. But thanks so much for reading this and prongslet it makes me so happy that people actually like my books.


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