Chapter 22| Talk

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Dedicated to Solangelo-is-my-OTP cuz of their comments,

Previously on Welcome Back

At dawn, everything was quiet, Lily was asleep in Harry's room in a sofa and everyone else was asleep outside, what Lily didn't notice, however, was the fact that Harry's heart monitor started beeping faster and his eyes were blinking, Harry soon opened them and laid down there, looking around, not making a sound in order to not wake Lily up.


Harry was up for several hours, remaining as quiet as a mouse, because he didn't want to wake Lily up, but also, Harry couldn't feel his voice inside of him, he didn't think that he could speak, Terrifying thoughts ran through Harry's head, 'what if I lost my voice forever?' 'did I lose any of my other senses?' 'can I hear or is the room really quiet' Harry's mind was occupied by multiple things now, his thoughts, the fact that he couldn't speak, and the fact that he was still in so much pain, so when Lily woke up, Harry didn't notice, he didn't notice her standing beside him, he didn't notice her calling his name, he just kept lying in his bed fiddling with his thumbs. Harry only knew that Lily was there when she put a hand on his shoulder and called out his name again.

Harry then jerked his head in Lily's direction and saw her smiling sadly at him, her eyes watering.

"Harry, how are you? I was going to call the nurse but I thought you would want to see a familiar face before" she said

Harry just couldn't keep it in after that, he started crying, he leaned in his mother and started crying into her shoulder

"What's wrong honey?" Lily asked worriedly

Harry tried to tell her about everything, How he was in pain, how he felt bad for making everyone worry about him, how hearing everyone talk to him made him feel, how he had black moments when people were talking to him, but, he couldn't speak, he tried to say something but he failed, not being able to make a sound.

Lily then started panicking and went outside and yelled for a nurse, her yelling woke up the Weasleys, Hermione, James, Sirius, and Remus with a start. Then Laura came immediately and she forbade the rest of the people to come inside at which she heard a lot of protests.

Laura scanned Harry's body with her wand and when she was done she told Lily:

"It is surprising that he woke up so quickly, no doubt he's in a lot of pain but that's normal, and for the reason why he couldn't talk, Well its a side-effect, most people remain unconscious for a little longer when they have this procedure but Harry is special. I don't know how or why he is awake this early but he won't have his voice back for a couple of days and when it does, it will be really weak and it will obviously take time for him to heal completely" Laura explained

Lily eyes were watering up again but she held her tears back because she knew that she had to stay strong for Harry. Harry, however, was shaking, Lily went over to his bed and hugged him and rubbed his back in order to calm him, it worked in a few minutes and Harry was starting to take deep breaths.

Laura then gave Harry one last checkup and hooked him up to an IV machine.

"There are pain killers in this" Laura explained

After Laura left all of the Weasleys and the Marauders came in.

Lily put her hands on her hips and said: "I thought I told you all to go home and get a good nights sleep?"

The Marauders just shrugged while the Weasleys and Hermione just turned red.

"How is he?" Asked James looking at Harry

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