Chapter 36| Support

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Previously on Welcome Back

In the morning Harry awoke to see his friends huddled up and talking. Harry managed to catch a few words and phrases like "nightmare... wouldn't wake up...screaming his lungs out "

"Hi guys, so I guess I had a nightmare last night?" Harry asked them while they all looked at him guiltily


"Hey Harry" Hermione finally said

"Hey, you know that you could just ask me what my nightmare was about instead of huddling up," Harry said feeling conflicted because he didn't like them talking behind his back but he wasn't comfortable talking about the nightmares he got because of how Vernon treated him.

"We're sorry, We just know that you don't like to think back to traumatic experiences" Ginny apologized

Harry ran his hand through his hair and said "it's fine,"

"So what was your nightmare about mate? You were thrashing around pretty bad. Last night" Ron asked

Harry hesitated and said "The subject is really delicate, I'll tell you about it sometime today but I need to mentally prepare myself"

The others looked at him in wonder, what subject could be so delicate that one needs to mentally prepare themselves for? They, however, agreed and told Harry that he could come to them whenever he felt ready.

Harry nodded his gratitude and started to head downstairs for breakfast when Fred asked him another question "Mate, does this have anything to do with how weak you were when you first came here?"

Harry turned around and said "It has everything to do with it"

The others looked surprised, some of them already started to guess what had happened but they didn't pester Harry anymore and headed down to breakfast with him.

Lily had prepared French toast and treacle tart as a treat for breakfast. Harry looked hungrily at the food and then sat down in between Remus and Ron with Hermione and Ginny in front of him. Sirius was sitting on the right of Ron while Fred and George sat next to Ginny. Lily and James were sitting next to Remus.

(does this make sense?)

After breakfast, the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry went out on the yard. They walked in silence for a while. Relishing this feeling of peace. When they spent 20 minutes in silence Harry spoke up and said: "I think I'm ready to tell you guys."

Everyone looked at Harry and then nodded. Harry led them to the back of the house into a quiet nook and sat down with them on the ground.

"Ok, so what I'm about to tell you is a really sensitive topic. I don't want to speak of this anymore. I'm trying to put this behind me. I don't want any pity" Harry told his friends

His friends nodded and then he went on to explain "The Dursley's, weren't exactly the best parenting figures. I slept in a small cupboard till the age of 11. After that, the Dursley's got scared after my Hogwarts letter and gave me Dudley's second bedroom. I was... b-be-beaten every time I did s-some- something w-wr-wong." Harry said while shaking. Ginny put her arm around Harry and said "you don't have to continue if you don't want to"

Harry shook his head and said "I want too. I can't stop now"

Ginny nodded her head and motioned for Harry to continue

"I- I had to clean the-the house every day and if-if I didn't then I would get pu-pun-punished." Harry stuttered

Everyone gathered around Harry and gave him a hug to show him their support.

"Do you want to continue?" Hermione asked kindly

Harry nodded he took a deep breath and said: "He-he c-carved the w-word f-freak on me as well as u-useless." Harry tried to say more but he couldn't.

"Can you show us?" Hermione asked with tears leaking from her face

Harry hesitated but then nodded. He took off his shirt and everyone could see the light marks on Harry's back which spelled words like freak, and useless. Harry put his shirt back on and tried his best to keep his tears at bay but a few escaped his eyes. He stayed like that for a while, while his friends hugged him. They sent all their unsaid feelings into the hug and Harry understood them. After a while, Harry stood up and wiped his tears from his face

"thank you guys," Harry said hoarsely and was met by another group hug

a/n: hi guys, I'm gonna end that there. Sorry, anyways how r u all? Hope ur having an amazing day. Anyways I wanted to know if u wanted me to skip ahead to their school year after 5-6 chapters? How about it, please let me know, Also, do you want me to show you pictures of what everyone was wearing at court?


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