Chapter 20| Procedure

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Previously on Welcome Back

"Well, Firstly we will drain your magical core and perform Flarus Virectus on you, it will hurt but after we are done we will refill your magical core and then keep you in the hospital for a day or 2 at most and then discharge you" Laura explained

"I'm ready," Harry said


"very well," Dumbledore said gravely, Harry's parents then helped him out of his bed and James then had Harry's shoulder flung over him since Harry still looked too weak to walk, the next thing Harry knew was that he was being apparated in St Mungos. Everything after that was a blur for Harry, he remembered being taken to a room and he saw his parents waiting outside for him while Laura took him to a room. A bunch of healers joined Laura and helped a really pale Harry to a table.

"You ready?" Laura asked worriedly

Harry just nodded his voice failing him.

Then suddenly Harry started screaming as his magical core was drained. It felt like someone stabbing his insides with a knife and then pulling them out. After that Harry felt a moment of relief when they stopped. All for it to start over again and the only thing Harry knew was the doctors constantly casting Flarus Virectus on him. Harry screamed until he could scream no more because he felt the darkness consume him but with the darkness came the pain


The doctors constantly casted Flarus Virectus on him for 15 minutes and then after that, they refilled Harry's core and Harry kept convulsing and grimacing. After that Laura levitated him into another hospital room and then placed him onto a bed. Then Harry's parents, Remus, and Sirius came into the room to check on him. They all saw a raven headed boy lying down on the bed with beads of sweat on his forehead and they also saw him constantly grimacing and convulsing and his eyes were screwed in pain. Lily and James took a seat on his bed holding his hand, ruffling his hair while Sirius and Remus sat on the chairs right beside his bed with worried expressions. At night Laura came in with the results of Harry's treatment. They all stood up immediately when they saw Laura grim face.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked worriedly

Laura took a deep breath in, let it out and then said: " Well, the procedure was performed perfectly, it didn't harm him too much, but..."

"but?" Sirius asked with concern, Remus with worry and James and Lily with fury

"Harry's in a coma" Laura broke the news

All hell broke loose.

"WHAT!!!" Lily exclaimed her temper get loose

"HOW?" Sirius asked with venom in his voice

"Why?" Remus asked concernedly but decided to remain calm

"EXCUSE ME?" James asked fury evident in his voice

Laura remained patient and answered all their questions, "unfortunately he is in a coma, I think the procedure was too much for him to bear with his illness as well, We don't know yet when he could wake up, could be a week, a month, maybe a year but probably not more than that. For that time you can choose if you want him to remain here or transfer him to the hospital wing."

"We will keep him here, but can he hear us? Because in the muggle world when someone is in a coma, sometimes the person in the coma can hear people talking to them" Lily asked.

Laura frowned and then said "maybe, let me check" she then spoke into her headset that she pulled out of her pocket "Laura Mckenzie's diagnostic wand to room 405, repeat Laura Mckenzie's diagnostic want to room 405 thank you" she then took off her headset and put it back into her pocket

"You guys use that here?" Lily asked curiously

"yea, owls are unsanitary and well, we had had a lot of accident with magical paper planes so this was the next best thing"

Another healer walked in and handed Laura's diagnostic wand to her and walked out without saying a word

"That Megan, she's shy" Laura explained, she then scanned Harry with her wand and said

"He can hear you, you can talk to him"

a/n: hey guys, I'm gonna tell u something really important. it really deeply sorrows me to say this but unfortunately I am giving up on this book, it is really stupid and useless. I am discontinuing it and yea, I am so sorry I hope u understand so for the last time





ROWLING... here is the real a/n

a/n: hey this is kind of a short chapter, shrugs, any ways my chapters haven't been that long cuz, and all I'm gonna say is that someone in my family is getting a surgery, so I wont update on Thursday and maybe Sunday, I hope u guys understand. This is true, I am sorry for the fake a/n

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