Chapter 31| Letters

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Previously on Welcome Back

"So how did it go with Dumbledore?" Lily asked while they were eating. Sirius looked at James and Harry but they both had their mouths filled and couldn't answer. Sirius chuckled and began explaining what had happened "So yea, Dumbledore said that he would first have a press conference with you both where you will both announce your return and request a trial for me in that press conference"

Lily listened intensely and nodded in agreement to the plan. "It's really smart, soften the blow a bit."


The next day the Potters, Sirius, and Remus were all sitting around a table having breakfast. Lily had finally relented from her idea of Harry staying in bed all day so Harry was downstairs a lot. They were all eating eggs and bacon when a snowy white owl and a tawny brown owl came in from the open window and landed in front of Harry and James respectively. James and Harry both took their letters from the owl while Sirius got up to get some owl treats from a jar nearby which he gave to both owls. The first one was Hedwig who had 2 letters, one from Ron and the other from Hermione. The second one was a school owl who had a letter from Dumbledore which said

Dear Mr. Potter

I am pleased to inform you that I have received a letter from the ministry in response to the one which I had sent informing them of your return. They would like to see you and Mrs. Potter at the ministry at 5:00 pm today. They will plan the press conference after that. I look forward to meeting you there soon.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Ps. Please consider altering your appearances as this is a private conference with only a few people involved.

James quickly read the letter and then showed it to the others. They all were really excited. Harry then noticed that Hedwig was gently pecking his arm to open his letters which lay forgotten on the table. Harry picked up the one closest to him which was the one from Ron.

Hey Harry,

How are you, hope you are recovering quickly, I know that you must be tired laying in bed all day not being able to do anything. Speaking of doing nothing. Mum suggested that Fred, George and I come over and visit, I think Hermione's coming too. We would have come sooner but mum said that we couldn't because you needed time to recover and time with your parents. We all agreed but now we want to see you. Send your response with Hedwig (she's a really smart owl, seemed to know that I wanted to send a letter and couldn't because Pig is away with a letter to Charlie from mum and Errol is... Errol).


Harry then turned to Hermione's letter and began to read it

Dear Harry,

How are you, I hope you are feeling better after your treatment. I know that you must be really bored since your mum probably makes you lay in bed all day but I was wondering if I could come over? I know Ron sent you a letter too because Hedwig had it in her mouth when she came over to get your letter from me (how does she do it?) I would have come sooner except Mrs. Weasley gave all of us a lecture about how you needed to heal first. She was right. Anyways, send me your response. Don't do anything crazy till then.

Love From Hermione

Harry read both letters and grinned at the similarities between both of them. He knew that Mrs. Weasley would do something like forcing him to rest in her own way. He didn't mind a lot but he missed his friends and was glad they could come to visit if his parents let them. He didn't know if they would since he still didn't spend that much time with them. He thought that they would let him have friends over and decided to pluck up some courage and give it a go.

"Mum? Dad?" Harry nervously asked

"Yes, honey?" His mother answered

"Can I have some friends over?" Harry asked nervously unsure of the answer he would get

"Of course kiddo" James answered immediately detecting the unsureness in Harry's voice as well as everyone else.

"You can have friends whenever you want, you don't have to ask anyone all the time," Remus told Harry smiling at him and Sirius, Lily, and James nodded in agreement.

"Can you just do us a favor and ask Molly to come over as well for a few minutes?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded

Harry smiled, happy that he could have friends over whenever he wanted. He excused himself from the table and then headed to his room to answer the letters.

Dear Hermione and Ron,

I know that you are probably together at this point so I'm going to write one letter and send it to the Burrow. I am fine. Mum finally stopped forcing me to stop in bed. You guys can definitely come. Does 4:00 pm work? Sirius wants to talk to Mrs. Weasley about something as well so ask her to come over as well


Harry then re-read the letter and then sent Hedwig off with it pleased that he would be able to have some fun today.

a/n: heyyyy, wassup? Sorry for the short chapter, I was going to add the part where they all come over but I really needed to post a chapter. So here u go, hope u enjoyed it, Do u guys think I'm going too fast, too slow? suggestions? Feedback? Please?


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