Chapter 8| Soup

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Previously on Welcome Back

Later that night Harry fell asleep listening to his parents talk about their time at Hogwarts as Marauders. Harry, for the first time, fell asleep with a smile on his face. James and Lily exited the room smiling proudly at their son and went into their room to sleep until they were suddenly awoken by piercing scream that could be heard all throughout the house


As soon as the couple heard the scream they ran into Harry's room where they discovered that Sirius and Remus were already there, holding Harry who was clutching to both of them in return. Lily smiled despite the mum ent that was occurring. She wished that she had been there for Harry when he needed her the most. Lily shoved her thoughts aside and joined then men in comforting Harry.

The men had managed to calm down Harry a little but he wasn't waking up. It was then that Lily decided to take things into her own hands. She held Harry's hand and soothingly rubbed his back while whispering nonsense to him.

The men looked surprised when Harry calmed down and went on sleeping peacefully, They had been trying to wake Harry up but Lily managed to calm him down without waking him up!

"Power of moms," Lily said smirking as she saw the expressions on the Marauder's faces. Then they all went outside to go back to bed beside Lily who decided to sleep on the extra mattress in Harry's room in case he needed her again

The Next Morning

Harry woke up and found himself covered in cold sweat. He sighed, he guessed he had another nightmare. He sat upright on his bed and found his glasses on the bedside table which he put on. The first thing he realized when he put his glasses on is the fact the Lily was sleeping on the mattress. 'No, not Lily' he corrected himself 'his mum ' Harry smiled when he thought of the word mum. He finally had what he wanted, a family, a real family.

Harry then decided to go downstairs for breakfast. When he got downstairs he noticed that Sirius was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"You know Moony this isn't so... Why are you out of bed?" Sirius asked realizing that it wasn't Remus who he was talking to

Harry shrugged and said "I felt tired lying in bed all day"

Sirius walks towards Harry and put his hand on his forehead and with a disapproving face said "You still have a fever young man"

Harry sighed and gave Sirius his best puppy dog eyes.

Sirius chuckled and said, "those puppy eyes don't work on me, It's MY trick puppy."

Harry sighed and was about to leave the room when Sirius caught the forlorn look on Harry's face and said: "fine pup, only for breakfast though, then back to bed."

A smile immediately found its way on Harry's face as he heard that. Harry then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face for breakfast

(I don't know if this is what you do where ur from but here we brush our teeth and then eat breakfast)

When he headed downstairs he found everyone already seated at the table waiting for him to emerge from the bathroom. Harry saw them and smiled as he sat down on the table, He saw that everyone had food on their plates but were waiting for him to eat. He hoped he got bacon, he didn't feel like he could eat it but he hadn't had anything decent in months. He was surprised when Lily placed a bowl of soup in front of him.

Harry began to speak but Lily put up a hand to stop him. "Your sick, you need soup, you need to keep it down so that I can give you your potion"

Harry sighed but knew he wasn't going to get anywhere arguing with her so he just got a spoon and waited for the soup to cool down. When he looked up he saw all the men looking at his soup hungrily and not eating the eggs and bacon they had

"What?" Harry asked wondering what in hippogriffin merlin got them that worked up

"Is that Lily's famous hot and sour soup?" James asked

Lily smiled and nodded

"Pup, you hit the jackpot" Sirius exclaimed not taking his eyes off of the soup.

"What's so special about this?" Asked Harry

"take a sip and find out" Remus answered

Harry took a spoonful and put it in his mouth. It tasted, amazing, no that was an understatement, it was the best thing he ever had.

Harry immediately gulped down the rest of the soup and was finished before the others were halfway done with their food.

"You still want to complain about the soup?" Lily asked smirking

Harry shook his head, "It was an amazing mum"

"Off to bed pup," Sirius said sternly

"But I don't want to Padfoot" Harry whined

"Harry," Sirius said warningly

Harry sighed and put his hands up in surrender and went up to bed.

As he laid down he found that sleep was overtaking him.

When he woke up, he realized it was because Prongs was nudging him with his antlers

"Wake up Prongslet" James said as he turned back into human form

"why" Harry groaned

"Your mother wants to see your memories"

a/n done and done. Here is another chapter for u amazing people hope u enjoyed it, the next one will be harry showing his memories to his parents

Click that star if Harry starts with an H


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