Jo Chambers

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"Shelley Shelley wake up!" Milton said shaking me awake. I groaned putting a pillow over my already messy head. "For real get up your going to be late" With that he left the room. I sighed before climbing out of bed. My clothes were laid out on the chair in the corner of my room. I pinned my hair back and turned it into a lose blowout.

"Hurry up Lawrence, Alice and Cathy are here!" Milton called from downstairs. My eyes widened as I peaked out of my window. Sure enough all three of them were sitting in Lawrence's black mustang arguing about something. I closed my curtain and hurriedly put on a pale pink dress with a matching cardigan and rushed down the steps, Pink heels on my feet.

"Bye Mil, bye Dad." I said kissing each of there cheeks before grabbing my bag and rushing out the door.

"Hey shel!" Alice said excitedly when I came out hopping into the seat besides her. Alice, Cathy and I were a trio. I loved them both so much.

"Hi Al, Cath." Cathy was the only person whoever let me call her Cath instead of Cathy or Cathrine. "So how's Phoenix Fest going Cath?" I asked. She sighed.

"I can't find a theme. I've been thinking for days." I smiled at her.

"You'll find one eventually." I told her.

"Yeah I just hope I do soon."


"God it's what eight am and that Skaggs already reading." Alice said rolling her eyes. I looked to where she was. Jo Chambers was walking around reading To Kill A Mockingbird.

"Who Jo?" Cathy asked looking around.

"Yes." Alice said in a duh tone. I may love her but sometimes I didn't appreciate her tone or choice of words. "Ew" she muttered under her breath.

"Watch this." Lawrence said smirking. I rolled my eyes. I never even liked Lawrence I was just forced to be around him for Cathy and Alice, who both seemed to admire him, Alice more then Cathy. But in my opinion he was just a big bully with a lot of money.

"Lawrence don't." Cathy told her boyfriend.

"Yeah really it's not nice." I told him crossing my arms. He just scoffed at me before returning his attention to Jo.

"Hey Jo!" He called stepping off his car to the girl. "Eh wait up." He said when she tried to walk past him. "Here let me help you." Instead of actually helping he just smacked her book to the ground. I cringed. I loved To Kill A Mockingbird It was one of my favorites. Jo's mouth fell open before she bent down to retrieve her fallen book.

"What's your problem?" She asked. I was about to tell her to look out when Alice comes and jumps in the puddle, splashing Jo all over in mud. Alice started laughing.

"Welcome back to school." She snickered before walking away. Cathy following them.

"Guys that wasn't very nice." I heard her say.

"Here." I said lending my hand to the fallen girl. She took it and I pulled her up. "I'm sorry about them. They can be mean sometimes." She nodded.

"Thanks." She said before walking off.

"Your welcome!" I shouted. She turned around and smiled. I smiled back before running to catch up with the others.

"Where were you?" Lawrence said giving me a calculating eye.

"I was helping Jo I shrugged. Lawrence gave me a look of disgust. "Well I'm sorry I'm a nice person." Alice smiled at me before patting my shoulder.

"You've got to much empathy hun." She said before principle Hurley shooed is off to class.

I groaned as math class dragged on. It was my worst subject. I was about to doze off when a giant bang made me jump. Startled I looked over to where the noise had occurred. Jo was standing at the class entrance wearing totally different clothes then she was before. Everyone started laughing as she angrily walked over to her seat. I wasn't smiling I felt bad for her. It was only the first day of school and Jo had already gotten into trouble.

"Continuing on" our teacher said. I zoned out again but instead of falling asleep I was watching Jo. She was slouched in her seat a frown on her face. Someone said something to her and she looked annoyed. I couldn't see the kids face though because he was in the same row as me. I sighed turning back to the lesson before eventual falling asleep again.

Lunch time finally rolled around and I was starving. I had already gotten my lunch and was waiting for Cathy and Alice to get out of line. I was watching Lawrence with a glare on my face. I didn't like that kid one bit. Suddenly a milk carton cane flying past my head and into the trash can. I whirled around to see Junior Chambers a satisfied look painted on his face.

"Quite a shot Junior are you going out for the team this year?" Alice asked setting her tray down next his. I quickly grabbed my tray and made my way over to them.

"Nah I sorta work counter at the diner after school." He explained. I frowned. Junior would be an excellent addition to the team.

"You know there's a new flick playing at the Milwood Passion Pit. Pick me up after work?" She was flirting obviously. Behind her Cathy rolled her eyes. I snickered slightly as Junior rejected her.

"Sorry Alice I'm closing til late."

"Well maybe later I'll be picking up a strawberry shake." She told him before grabbing her tray and walking off. I groaned by the time we sat down lunch would be over.
Alice and Cathy went to sit over by Lawrence and reluctantly I followed them. The rest of the lunch I just listened to them talk about the basketball team.


Home Economics was the class I aced. It was easy. I sat besides Alice as she and Cathy talked about something.

"Welcome to Home Economics, were girls become ladies, proper ladies." The teacher frowned looking around the room. "Are we missing a lady?" I looked around and indeed we were missing Jo Chambers. "Anyways Attway is hosting its very first Phoenix Fest" The bright smile returned to her face. "Cathy Fitzroy would you like to enlighten your classmates." She asked gesturing to my best friend. She stood up wringing her hands in front of her.

"It's going to be like homecoming but because of the fire we wanted to do something different this year. " I smiled up at her.

"Cathy as social chair has enlisted our help with decorations, a perfect marriage, pun intended, with our syllabus for every house wife must be a consummate host." I rolled my eyes at the pun intended part, not funny.

"Oh Which reminds me that there is going to be plenty of heavy lifting so we need someone to chop the wood and build the stage."

"Oh why don't you see if Mr. Richards can part with one of his strapping young men." She smiled.

"Oo can I go with her?" I asked raising my hand. She sighed but nodded. I thanked her before following Cathy out of the room.

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