Suspicious Minds

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"Cathy, you have to forgive Alice." I rolled my eyes. Everyone one in the meeting was trying to convince me and Cathy to forgive Alice.

"Actually I don't." Cathy said glancing up, ice in her tone.

"Please forgive her Shelley!" The red head whined.

"I never said I didn't forgive her. I just don't want to be her friend anymore." I shrugged.

"I know she's really sorry." The middle earth girl told us.

"Plus you and Lawrence are like perfect together." A blonde cheerleader piped in.

"You can't blame him." The Middle earth girl said again.

"Why not He should know better then to cheat." I snipped at the Brunette.

"Boys will be boys." The red head assured.

"And that makes it right?" I asked my temper rising. I wasn't one to stand up for women's rights like Jo but this was just ridiculous.

Alice came walking into the room smiling and waving to everyone.

"Actually I have better things to do." Cathy said standing up.

"Me too." I told them leaving as well. I really didn't maybe Cathy did but I had to get away from the cheater.

"You can't leave Cathy." Alice insisted.

"Watch me." She growled leaving the room entirely.

"Bye bye Al" I mocked leaving the room as well. I noticed Jo wasn't behind us. Oh well she can take care of herself.

I followed Cathy down the hall to the library.

"Cathy what are we doing at the library?" I asked

"You'll see." Was all she told me.

"Ah Cathy Fitzroy, Shelley Tanner, what do I owe the pleasure?" The librarian asked putting down her coffee mug. She was a fat lady with glasses and a huge smile.

"We were wondering if you had an archives from the fire 10 years ago. Photos maybe from the attaway times?"

"I wouldn't want to get your pretty blouses dirty now would I?" The Librarian said with a small smirk.

"Please the photos are for Phoenix Fest." I told her.

"Yeah the other girls want it to be 'under the sea' but Shelley Jo and I have a better Idea." The Liberians face lit up.

"Jo Chambers?" She asked.

"The one and only." I said smiling.

"Yeah all three of us are friends." Cathy said as well.

"In that case." She then wheeled around and walked into the back.

"Here ya go." She told us plopping the stack of old newspapers in front of us. Dust flew into the air and I began to cough.

"Thank you." I wheezed out. The two of us began looking through the papers. It was like everyone said. Fire, injury,2 women dead and Lenny Alvarez to blame.

"Finding anything of use?" The librarian asked us.

"Just old head lines" Cathy sighed. "Nothing like Campbell's soup."

"Like what." She asked.

"Nothing I just had something different in mind." Cathy explained.

"Yeah me too." I nodded in agreement.

"Well that's the nice about being a Fitzroy ask and you shall receive." She then placed a film strip in front of us.

"How can we make these bigger?" I asked squinting at the little pictures.

"Come with me." Reluctantly followed the librarian. She led Cathy and I to a back room with a big projector. Now the two of us sat looking through the blown up slideshow.

"Boo!" Someone shouted grabbing my arm. A scream escaped my lips laughter filled the air. Jo and Cathy were both laughing at my ridiculous scream.

"Not funny I almost had a heart attack." I cried slapping them both.

"What are you even still doing here?" Cathy asked.

"Waiting for Junior to finish tryouts." She replied casually. "What are you guys still doing here?" She asked flipping the question on us.

"We are attaway's new Andy Warhol." Cathy smiled gesturing to us both. I flipped the slide eager to see the next picture. Suddenly Jo's smile was wiped off her face.

"What is that?" Jo asked walking towards the picture.

"Old photos from high street after the fire." Cathy replied. "Why?"

"This can't be from after the fire." Jo said slowly. "It's impossible."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah why there's ash and smoke in the air it's clearly from after the fire." Cathy assured Jo.

"No, but the women she never made it out alive." Jo shuddered.

"I'm confused she clearly made it out." I insisted

"I know this because that woman, is my mother." And then it was so silent you could here a pin drop.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now