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The next morning at school was uncomfortable to say the least. Allen avoided me at all costs.

"How Cathy!" I exclaimed opening my locker.

"I don't know I was talking to Jo and she was talking about Allen and-" She froze and awkwardly turned to me.

"Why was Jo talking about Allen?" I asked my jaw clenching. Cathy's eyes widened.

"Shelley don't be mad but." She trailed off gulping. "Jo likes Allen." She said quietly. My eyes widened and betrayal washed over my face.

"Jo told Allen, didn't she?" I breathed out. Cathy looked at the ground not answering me. "She did." I realized. Tears stung at the corner of my eyes. Why would she do that. I hastily wiped the tears before they could spill. Jo came around the corner with Allen the two laughing about something. The pit of my stomach hardened as I glared Jo. Noticing me Jo halted.

"Hey Shel!" She said. Cheerfully. I glared at her.

"Don't Hey Shel me, bitch." I snipped walking past her. I made sure to bump her shoulder as I passed.

Tears steadily fell down my cheeks as I left the school building. I thought Jo was my friend. I sat down on the steps to the school burying my head in my hands. I felt betrayed and confused. I didn't understand why.

"Shel?" The uncertain voice of Alice Hargrove entered my ears. I looked up. She was giving me a concerned look.

"What do you want Alice, here to make my day worse." I snipped at her. She blinked surprised. I guess she was shocked at my tone. Her gaze softened as she sat down besides me.

"You Alright?"

"No of course not, everything's falling apart." I sniffled.

"What happened?" She asked. I sighed.

"Okay so I accidentally slipped out a secret to Cathy and she was talking to Jo and Jo told Allen and it turns out Jo likes Allen so she told him and now I'm pretty sure he broke up with me. Then this morning Jo was all touchy touchy with him." I Said taking in a loud breath. "And now I don't know what to do because, because, I love Allen, Alice." I admitted. Alice frowned and wrapped her arms around me.

"Aw Shel. I'm sorry." She sympathized.

"I'm sorry too. For the whole thing with Lawrence and Cathy."

"Don't be me and Lawrence are in a bad spot plus it was my fault that that happened and you guys had a right to be mad." I nodded.
"I'm the one who's sorry." I smiled at my former best friend.

"Friends?" I asked holding out my pinky.

"Friends." She smiled locking pinkies. Alice had given me a true genuine smile one I hadn't seen since she and Lawrence got together.


"Pay attention everyone. Miss Cassidy put away those fantasy novels." Mr. Gibson told us entering the classroom. I groaned softly. This day was awful and begin next to Lawrence made it worse. Alice had brought me to the bathroom to fix my makeup since the mascara had run down my cheeks and now I was here.
"Today I'm assigning your first lab." Everyone groaned. "Chemistry in the wild!" He told us,his eyes widening. "You and your partner will choose a chemical reaction from real life and identity it for the class. For example." He held up a match. " phosphorus, oxygen, little bit of friction and Vwalla combustion!"

I heaved my bag onto my shoulder and left the classroom. I was trying to avoid Allen, Jo and Cathy. Cathy instead of sticking by her best friend since kindergarten decided begin friends with Jo was better. Therefore I was left sitting with my brother and Lawrence as they talked about a bunch of stuff I didn't understand.  Alice sat down next to me. I smiled over at her but then turned my attention to Allen. He Jo, Junior and Cathy were all whispering about something. I sighed taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Jo Chambers and Cathy Fitzroy report to Principal Wilson's office after the lunch break." I snorted what did Jo do this time.

I stood by Alices locker as she placed her books into it. I rolled my eyes as Lawrence strutted up to her.

"You didn't show last night at the drive in." He told us placing his arm against an unoccupied locker. Alice closed her eyes and sighed.

"My mom needed some help around the house." She explained.

"Mm maybe your forgetting about that pin on your cardigan." I rolled my eyes. I'm pretty sure she didn't care anymore.

"Maybe your forgetting why you gave it to me in the first place. To make Cathy Fitzroy jealous."

"No listen here Alice." Lawrence said his gaze hardening. "Every strong man needs a pretty face behind him."

"Yeah cause your so strong." I stated rolling my eyes. Lawrence glared at me.

"Play your cards right and you could be Mrs. Lawrence DuPont someday. I gagged internally.

"If that's your idea of wooing a girl, maybe you should go try so clueless bimbo." Alice retorted turning back into her locker. Lawrence's face turned red as he ripped the pin off of Alices cardigan.

"Lawrence!" Alice cried as he went around the corner bumping into Allen.

"Perfect another nobody to join your pity party." I glared at Lawrence.

"Lawrence get back here you little blowhard!" I shouted chasing after him. In the process my hand brushed against Allen's. I tried to ignore it but the butterfly's in my stomach kept tickling me. Little did I know Allen's stomach did the same thing and that every time I interacted with Lawrence his blood boiled.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now