The Path We Pave

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It had been a week since Attaway High had seen Lawrence DuPont and honestly I wasn't that mad about it. I had no lab partner because they were yet to find someone to join the class but I didn't mind, chemistry was easy.

"How's your Dad, Allen?" I asked him opening my locker.

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask what its like having him back." Alice piped in.

"I don't wanna jinx it but so far so good. I even called him dad yesterday." He smiled slightly.

"I'm happy for you Allen." Alice smiled. "It wasn't good for you being there all alone." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well, give it time, I'm sure Lenny will get up to his old tricks again." I frowned.

"Al, your dads gonna be fine okay." I told him sternly. He nodded trying to believe me. "Hey Alice any word from Lawrence?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah I got another post card from him yesterday." She took out the card and handed it to us. I studied the card carefully. Something didn't seem right.

"Are you sure this is from Lawrence?" I asked.

"It's from him alright, who else has such a pompous signature." I chuckled slightly, she had a point. "But it just doesn't sound like Lawrence, right Shel." I nodded.

"Yeah something feels off about it."

"Yeah it defiantly feels like an awful long time for a family vacation." Watched Allen's face as a smiled showed up. "Then again this schools been a lot more tolerable without Lawrence DuPont causing trouble." He jokes his eyes wide. I giggled lightly.

"Your not wrong." Alice quipped. I shook my head pulling my books out of my locker.


I sighed loudly as Chemistry dragged on.

"Thats a good question Betty." Mr. Gibson smiled to the red head. "Chemical reactions rearrange-" He was cut off by a knock at the door. He sighed walking over to the door and opening it. Outside the principle stood at the door, my brother next to her.

"Mr. Gibson, this is Milton Tanner and he is joining your class today." Debby smiled cheerfully.

"Alright you three up here with me." Mr. Gibson said pointing to Allen, Alice and I. I stood up and walked to the front of the class, Alice and Allen following behind me. "Were switching since Shelley, here is Milton's sister and not fit to be partners." I nodded unsurely. "Allen, Shelley your now partners. Miss Hargrove, Milton." A smile was stretched on my face. I looked at Allen his smile equally as wide. Alices cheeks dusted a light pink. I had forgotten how Alice used to have a crush on Milton, apparently those feeling weren't gone.

Allen moved into the back row with me while Milton stole Allen's old seat. The rest of the class was uneventful.


After school Milton and I decided to go to the Diner.

I sat in the back corner reading Fahrenheit 451. "Hey Shel, I found a book you might like." Milton called. I looked up from the book. Milton was coming around the corner with his hands full of burgers and fries.

"What is it?" I asked. He placed the book in front of me. "The Haunting of Hill House, interesting." Milton nodded.

"Yeah we had to read it in English."  A loud commotion came from the other side of the Diner. Milton and I looked at each other our eyes wide. I peered around the corner to see the new owner, Ernie, who I did not like at all, screaming at Jo, Cathy and the new kids from Milwood. The man was telling them that their kind wasn't allowed here. "Their kind." By that he meant Abby and Dwight. My blood boiled. That was it. I was never eating at this Diner again.

"Let's go." I hissed packing up my books. Milton nodded placing the burgers in a bag. The two of left the Diner and didn't look back even when Ernie Said, Thanks for coming.


"Hey Shel..." Allen's voice rang through the phone. "Can you come over it's my dad."

"I'll be right over Al." I told him through the phone.

I walked to Allen's as fast as I possibly could. I knocked on the door. Allen opened it a sad expression on his face. I walked in holding a small box.

"Al," I sighed, "Here my mom thought this would cheer you up." I handed him the small package. He carefully set it down on the table behind me.

"Thanks Shel." Allen replied. I outstretched my arms. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I love you." He whispered softly in my ear. I smiled before pulling away.

"I love you." I leaned in and kissed him softly. His hands were still lightly wrapped around my waist and I all I wanted to do was stay in his embrace forever.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now