The Strangest Dream

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"Attention Attaway High." The unmistakable of Jo Chambers blared through the speakers. I shook my head. "An official boycott has been declared at the Attaway Diner, on Main Street." Milton and I exchanged glances from across the room. We both knew what happened at the Diner and the thought of it still made my heart clench. "Which has refused business to costumers of a certain skin tone. If they won't serve us , then we give them no service." Allen looked at me and I shrugged. I have no clue what Jo does anymore. "No justice equals no business. Today at lunchtime we're going to walk out of school for Attaway's first official sit in." After a brief pause Jo spoke, "Hatred has no business in Attaway, worry about the Diner, good night and good luck."

"She does know it's 8 in the morning right?" I asked Allen, resting my head on my hand.

"I don't think so." He chuckled. I giggled as well. "Hey,"He said his expression getting serious, "I have something to give you." I leaned forward raising a brow.

"What is it?" He pulled out a tiny box. Handing it me. I took it with slight caution.

"Just open it Shelley! It's not gonna kill ya."

"Alright, Alright." I took off the tiny blue ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a little pin.

"My dad gave it to me last night and I thought you'd maybe like to start wearing it?" He said unsurely. I nodded hugging him.

"Of course I'll wear it Al." I smiled picking up the tiny gold plated pin.

"Let me." Allen said taking the pin from my hand. I watched as his hands delicately placed it on cardigan. He smiled. "There." 

"I love it Allen." I smiled at him. He pulled me into him as we stood by his locker watching people pass.


The riot. Apparently Jo had told Allen not to come so he wasn't here but that didn't stop me. That little bitch was going down. I grabbed a sign from Cathy. Holding it tightly in my hand a began shouting at the tiny Diner. "We'll never be divided!" Suddenly Ernie stepped outside. My breath hitched in my throat. I found myself clutching Milton's hand as Ernie threw a punch at Bobby, who miraculously showed back up in town. The old man began punching the younger one until Bobby doubled over.

"Uncle Bobby are you okay?" Jo asked her uncle.

"Now get off my property now!" Ernie screamed. But it wasn't over. Bobby got right back up and threw a punch to the mans jaw. Ernie completely fell to the ground. I tried my hardest not to snort but it was no use. Either Bobby had super strength or Ernie was really weak. He glared at me.

"What are you laughing at." His voice was filled with venom scaring me. Milton stepped in front of me blocking me from Ernie. Ernie glared and grabbed one of the rally signs. Ripping the paper off he began to thrust the stick at Bobby. My heart beat fast in my chest with anticipation. Bobby kept backing up. He was almost at the fence when Ernie took a large swing and knocked Cathy out. I gasped in shock rushing towards her.

"Cathy!" I cried kneeling besides her.

"Shelley!" Alices voice rang out through the crowd. I stood up.

"What?" I asked. Her face was stained with tears making my stomach drop.

"It's Lenny, he's dead." My eyes widened and my heart plummeted. I glanced at Cathy. I knew she would be alright.

"Alright let's go." I Said grabbing her hand.


When we arrived at the Alvarez place, police cars were everywhere. The police handed Alice an envelope.

"Allen." I breathed.

"Yes?" He whispered back. Tears glistened in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him not saying anything. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his hot tears hit my shirt. I could feel myself crying as well.

"Allen, he left a letter." Alice said quietly. "Allen I'm so sorry." She whispered before giving me a nod. Alice left the house. Allen just stared at the envelope.

"Al?" I asked quietly. He looked at me. "I'm here for you, I promise." He nodded. I gripped his hand tightly. "It's gonna get better okay. Why don't you see what he had to say?" Allen nodded opening the letter. 

  Dear Son,

I didn't have a choice. I couldn't let you live like this, with me. You deserve the world and I want you to have it. Go make your dreams come true son. I love you.

               I'm sorry,

Inside was a fat stack of cash. Allen and I looked at each other thinking the same thing. What now.

A/n okay so I don't know if I'm going to continue this book or not or just wait a year for season three.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now