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"Cathy I'm worried about Allen." I Said as we walked down the hall to the Chemistry class room.

"How so?" She asked.

"His moms not there, he's alone and I don't know what to do." I admitted. Cathy frowned.

"I thought his mom was supposed to be with him." I shook my head.

"He never even told her." Cathy's mouth dropped open.

"Shel you have to do something."

"No Allen's Fine, trust me, besides it's not my business." I shrugged.  We walked into the class. Allen and Jo were seated at one of the desks reading. "What are you to doing?" I asked. They both looked up.

"What." They said at the same time.

"You two are so weird." Cathy muttered. I leaned across the table to kiss Allen.  Jo and Cathy crinkled there noses.

"Not in front of our faces please." Jo groaned. I giggled.

"Hey Allen hows your dad?" Cathy asked setting her bag down.

"Good I guess," he shrugged, "sober, me and shel are supposed to see him after school today." I nodded.

"And your mom?" Cathy asked. I nudged her. She sent me a quick glare.

"Just a settling in." He replied. "How's it having your brother back?"

"Somethings changed, I don't really know what but it takes the attention off of me." Jo frowned setting down her book.

"You don't really talk about him much."

"Well, I don't really know him that well."

"Yeah he's no Ray. I've met the guy. One word, creepy." I shuddered.

"Yeah, he left for Finley when I was 6 and I don't remember much before that. We only see him on holidays at our lake house." Cathy explained. Jo turned to Allen.

"Our lake house." Allen chuckled. I picked up the apple Jo was eating and threw it at them. It went flying past the twos heads.

"Hey what was that for!" Allen exclaimed.

"That's for making fun of the lake house which my family has by the way." I scolded jokingly. Cathy suddenly yawned. I frowned.

"Not getting enough sleep?" Allen asked Cathy concerned.

"Seems to be going around." Jo muttered under her breath.

"I keep having this dream and..." Her voice trailed off. I frowned looking at her.

"Yeah." Jo ushered her to go on. She looked at all of our faces. Cathy shook her head.

"Forget it. Just must have lost my train of thought." I frowned at her words. She smiled at us slightly.

"Cathy-" I started to say only to be cut off by the bell. 

"Oh Chemistry lets take our seats!" Cathy exclaimed turning around in her seat. I got up and switched places with Jo.


"The dragon is now withered his bones are now crumbled. His armor is shivered." I sighed laying my head on the desk. We were listening to presentations all class and it was boring.  "His splendor-"

"Thank you Betty." Our teacher said cutting off the girl. I sighed in relief. "I think we all get the gist." Betty walked back to her seat at the back of the class.

"What's the whole point of this thing Mr Gibson?" Jo asked. "Aren't we supposed to be learning Chemistry in Chemistry?" Mr.
Gibson crossed his arms leaning against the blackboard.

"Well Miss Chambers or new Principle has some modern ideas about education." He explained. "I'm particular, students are to share more from there personal lives." He raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes I swear if I had to share anything I was dropping out. "Alright last up is Lawrence DuPont." I rolls my eyes as Lawrence and his friends stood up. "Tell us what did you work on over the holiday Lawrence?" Lawrence snapped his fingers at his friends who stood up and wheeled a box covered in red fabric. I rolled my eyes and exchanged a look with Allen.  Lawrence coughed loudly. His friends whipped off the cover to reveal a mini model of the hotel.

"Friends, Attawinians, country men."  I scoffed. "Over the  Christmas Holliday's I was  Appointed executive Vice President Of DuPont-" He was cut off by Mr. Gibson.

"I'm sure we're all very happy for you Mr. DuPont But now lets move on to why we are actually here. Chemistry!"  I chuckled softly at Lawrence. His face turned red and you could tell he was mad but he didn't say anything and sat down.


"Now that's all for today class but before we wrap up let's chose lab partners for the semester." I looked over a Allen and smiled. Talking filled the air only to be cut off. "Now not so fast I'll do the assigning." I groaned loudly so much for begin partners with Allen. Mr. Gibson looked down at his notebook. "Uh Mr. DuPont with Miss Tanner." My mouth dropped open.

"What no!" I protested. "I am not going to be partners with Lawerence."

"I'm sorry Miss Tanner there are no changes." I groaned and slammed my head into my desk. Allen rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. 

"Mr. Alvarez." My ears perked up at the sound of my boyfriends name. "Or is it Powell, we'll either way your with Miss Hargrove."  I groaned again was anything going to go right today? "Get to know your partners before the assignments begin." Alice and Lawrence both looked back at the two of us. I wanted to die right then and their. "Oh and don't forget to Complete those problems sets for tomorrow."   The bell rang and I quickly packed up my bag.

"Well this sucks." I told Allen. He nodded in agreement. We both walked up to Alice and Lawrence to discuss our schedules.

"Lawrence!" I called leaving my boyfriend to talk to Alice. He stopped walking. " I really hate you, but if I'm forced to work with you I can do after schools some days." He looked at and walked off. "Well then Larry." I Huffed.

"Any luck?" Allen asked walking besides me.

"No you?" He shook his head. I sighed stopping at my locker.

"Why Lawrence, is rather partner with anyone else." I sighed placing my books in my locker.

"I know Shel it's bullshit." Allen sighed leaning against one of the lockers. "I don't trust him." I looked over at him. His jaw was clenched. I placed my hands on the side of his face and looked into his eyes.

"Al, I promise I'm not going to let Lawrence do anything to me." He let out a sigh. My eyes fluttered shut and turned back to my locker.

"Shel maybe I should talk to Mr. Gibson." I groaned.

"Allen it's okay." I insisted. He sighed pulling me in for a kiss.

"Call me if he bothers you." He whispered into my ear. I nodded.

"Shelley what the hell!" Allen's voice shouted from outside. I jumped up from my desk and rushed outside. Confusion laced my head.

"What." I breathed out.

"Cathy, knows." My eyes widened I forgot. The words I swore not to tell slipped out of my mouth. "And you told her didn't you." I looked at the ground. "Shelley Victoria." I looked up at him tears glistening in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Allen. It It just-" I couldn't speak. I had messed up and I didn't know how to fix it.

"It just what Shelley." He said sternly. "It just slipped out!" He asked harshly. I nodded tears falling down my cheeks. I reached forward to touch his cheek.

"Allen I'm s-" He lurched backwards.

"Your sorry, Shelley I thought I could trust you." Tears fell silently down his pale cheeks.

"You can!" I insisted. He shook his head backing away.

"I'll see you later Shelley." He left my porch without another word. My whole body felt numb. How could I have been so careless to let his biggest secret slip. I fell down onto my porch my hands hastily wiping the fast falling tears. My heart was broken so I just sat there on my front steps tears staining my cheeks.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now