Oh Brother

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It had been a month since the awful events of Phoenix Fest. The whole town of Attaway Just had a strange vibe about it. My month had consisted of different things. Mostly 'hanging out' at Allen's. He had asked me to be his girlfriend s week after Phoenix Fest, Of course i Said Yes. I was the only one who knew that he hadn't told his mom anything, and that she wasn't really in Attaway. Other then that I was  at the hospital with Allen or hanging out with Jo and Cathy. All our family's had been hit hard but Jo's was the most affected. She stopped wearing her hat, since she couldn't bear to look at it. Ray had been sent to a boarding school. Attaway Just wasn't Attaway.

Allen had just turned 16 and for his birthday and I bought him a car. I knew he couldn't do it on his own not with all the hospital bills he had to pay. In return for the car all my parents asked was that he drove me to school. Of course he complied. Oh and Milton you may ask, he was fine with me dating Allen, at least he said he was.

I sighed as my hand gripped Allen's. It was the start of a new semester and I had high hopes as did Cathy and Jo. We all made a pact to never talk about the events that led us to Phoenix Fest and we also agreed to make this semester the best one yet.

"Have you seen Jo or Cathy yet today?" Allen asked me, swinging our arms back and forth.

"Not yet. They told me to meet them at Jo's locker." He nodded. "Hey you wanna come to the Diner after school?" I nodded.

"Of course." I smiled.

"I got to get to class, see you later okay." Allen told me.

"Bye." I Said giving him a quick kiss before heading off to Jo's locker.

"Have you guys heard anything about this new principle?" I asked walking up to Jo's locker.

"Not a word." Jo responded opening her locker.

"I ran into Mrs. Gardner over break, and she said they were having trouble finding someone, it begin mid year and all."

"I have a feeling it's not because its mid year." I muttered under my breath.

"Well whoever it is, if they don't have a secret affair with one of my parents, I'm swell." I frowned. I felt bad for my friend. "What is it?" Jo asked Cathy. I turned around to see what she was like looking at. Two new kids were at there lockers.

"Who are they?" Jo asked.

"No idea." Cathy mumbled.

"New transfers I believe." I told them both.

"We're not new really." The girl blurted out.

"Abby, dont." The boy sighed.

"Oh we didn't mean to Uh." I stuttered.

"No I just mean we're from Milwood."

"So why are you in Attaway?" Jo asked. The two never answered m. They just shut there lockers and headed off to class.

"Rude." I muttered.


In Chemistry I slipped into my seat next Allen.

"Hey Al." I smiled greeting my boyfriend.

"Hey Shel How was Home Ec."

"It was just Swell." I implied sarcastically. He chuckled gripping onto my hand from underneath the table.

"Attention everyone, my name is Miss Wils, and I am your new Principal." I raised one of my brows looking at Allen.

"A girl, huh that's new." I whispered to him. He nodded.

"And as you may have noticed mine is not the only new face this semester. The school board has Instituted a bussing program which means we will be joined by 25 kids from the neighboring school of Milwood." I looked at the kids that sat in the front row of class. "I am just positive everyone will treat our guests with the upmost respect and kindness, they deserve." With the announcements being over class dragged on as usual.

It wasn't until lunch that I actually was enjoying my day.

"Must be hard." Allen sighed.

"What do you mean?" Jo questioned.

"Being new and all."

"Al, weren't you new last semester?" I asked my boyfriend.

"Yeah But their nothing like me. I could at least blend in somewhat, everyone knows there new." He explained.

"Yeah that pretty brave." Jo said.

"Pretty Righteous." Allen added as well before a loud laugh came from Lawrence's table. I rolled my eyes.

"I wish we could trade them out for some of the people from our school." Cathy muttered looking at our old friends. I nodded in agreement as we sat down at table as far from them as possible. Milton and Junior joined us, smiles painted largely on their faces.

"Guess what?" Milton exclaimed excitedly. He and Jo were the only ones that weren't together and honestly it was kind of weird.

"What Mil?" I asked setting my apple down.

"Junior and I were made MVPs!"

"Cool?" I asked unsure of what that meant. Milton rolled his eyes.

"Shelley, my darling sister it means we're probably going to get scholarships!" I still didn't see the point to his excitement but I played along with him.

"Hey Chambers!" Lawrence's annoying voice yelled to Jo and Junior. We all looked at him. "Hey how's how's your dad doing, it should I say principal Hurley." Lawrence joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Lawrence." Cathy sassed to her ex. I giggled slightly as Alice left the table leaving a confused Lawrence.


"Hey so I was thinking, instead of going to the Diner we could go to my house." Allen told me at his locker. I smiled. Allen was putting his books away and I was standing next to him.

"Yeah sure why not." I smiled grabbing his hand. He shut his locker, swinging his bag over his left shoulder. We both proceeded to Allen's Ford. It was a nice jet black with leather seats. I had done a good job picking it out.

"Shall we?" Allen asked holding out his arm for me to latch onto we walked up the tall grass path of the Alvarez property. Allen unlocked his door stepping into the house that had become familiar to me in the past month.

"Chem homework?" I asked setting my bag down on Allen's bed. He nodded sitting beside me. I pulled out the paper and we got to work. We were learning about hydrogen bonds, something I was not particularly great at. "Ugh I'm never going to get this!" I exasperated falling back into the bed. Allen chuckled laying beside me.

"You'll get it eventually."

"Probably not." I sighed. I sat up.

"I'm sure you will." Allen said sitting up. He gave me a kiss. "Now where were we?" He asked. I shrugged, moving closer to him. He placed a soft kiss to my jawline. I shuddered under his touch. I felt his breath hitch when I looked at him. I smiled kissing him. My hands gripped his face lightly. His hands touched my waist pulling me closer to him. I squealed as Allen picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. My back was pressed against the Nancy Drew wall, my hair falling into my face. Allen places kisses on my neck. I groaned my head falling back. Allen chuckled, brushing his lips across mine. He was teasing me. I rolled my eyes before pressing my lips to his. His hands slid up my waist sending shivers down my spine.

"Your beautiful." Allen breathed. I smiled down at him. I was about to kiss him again when the phone rang scaring Allen and I half to death. He set me down and went into the kitchen to answer the phone.

"What! What do you mean?" Allen's voice shouted. I straightened out my shirt and walked into the kitchen. I lightly touched his shoulder concern washed over my face. "Okay okay I'll be there in a sec." He hung up the phone and looked at me.

"Al, what's wrong?" I asked frowning. "He placed his hands on my cheeks gently.

"It's my dad, he has to get another surgery." I nodded. He placed a kiss to my lips then left the house.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now