Allens Nancy Drew Room

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Later that day the Phoenix Fest court was announced.

"Children, this is Mrs. Jenkins. We've tallied the votes. This years Phoenix Fest Court is as follows." Every girl sat with anticipation as she announced the court. " Baird Snyder, Shelley Tanner." I sat up a little straighter at her words. "Alice Hargrove, Lawrence DuPont III, Thomas Junior Chambers and Cathy Fitzroy. Your king and queen will be announced at Phoenix Fest. Thank you!" And then the bell rang.

Cathy and I had been invited to Allen's. Apparently he had something to show us. Which is where we are now.

"I feel like we're betraying Jo." Cathy told us as we walked through the tall grass of the Alvarez house.

"We're helping Jo." Allen explained.

"Can you two stop bickering it's giving me a headache." I snapped rubbing my temples. My head had been pounding ever since Jo's melt down at lunch.

"You alright?" Allen asked taking a step toward me.

"Of course not my best friend called me a Rich Bitch not even 2 hours ago." I sighed. Allen sighed as well grabbing my hand and grabbing his key with the other hand.

"My dad is innocent, and the truth will set him free." Allen told Cathy. He unlocked the door and we walked into the house Cathy,Jo and I had broken into only weeks before. Of course we didn't tell Allen this. We walked into the living room to see Lenny passed out on the couch.

"Let's go to my room." Allen said. Cathy and I exchanged glances before following him.

Once we were in Allen's room he pulled off a black piece of cloth revealing a board filled with news clippings and pictures.

"Woah I feel like I just walked into a Nancy Drew book." I thought our work on the case was good but his was better, way better. Allen chuckled at me.

"I thought this was our investigation." Cathy breathed. I nodded.

"If I would've known we were doing the same case we could've combined forces" Allen said placing his hands on his hips. "These were all I could recover from the Attaway times." He wrapped his arms around my middle pulling me closer to him. "If you look at this picture you can see Jo's mother." He told us pointing to the same picture we had of Frances but this time it seemed complete.

"It looks exactly like the picture Mrs. Jenkins gave us." Cathy said. I nodded.

"Look closer, that was the last person to ever talk to her." I looked at the picture studying it. "Look at her hand."

"She's wearing a ring." I pointed out.

"Which looks exactly like..." Allen said leading us on.

"That woman's ring." Cathy said pointing to another picture. " Fiona Hovack?"

"I thought her name was Jane." I Said furrowing my brows.

"So did I." Cathy said as well.

"Jane was the other woman who died in the fire but the lady standing next to Frances isn't Jane. That's Janes mother, Fiona Hovack." My mouth dropped open as I looked up at Allen.

"Do you think there's a chance she still might be alive?" Cathy asked him.

"Only one way to find out." Allen said, his hand lightly gripping my shoulder. All three of us looked at the telephone book.  Cathy walked over and picked it up. I sat on Allen's bed. Allen sat besides me his hand lightly on my knee. A deep blush covered my cheeks. I'm glad Cathy's head was shoved in the phone book because if she did she would probably say something about it.

"Hey I found it!" Cathy exclaimed. Allen quickly removed his hand from my knee before Cathy bent down to show us a number. I sighed disappointed when his touch left.

"Great, What's the plan?" I asked.


So the plan was all Cathy meaning I had to sit in Home Ec. I placed myself in between two fellow cheerleaders so I could avoid both Jo and Alice.

" and that is how you prepare a chicken à la King for your king." Our Home Ec. Teacher exclaimed. The bell rang and I immediately shot up.

"Shelley Tanner, Jo Chambers a word."principle Hurley Said motioning for us to follow him.

"Since your friend is cutting out again. I'll address my questions to you both.

"Such as?" Jo asked.

"Such as the Phoenix Fest is now two weeks away and I've heard barley anything from Cathy. The PTA requested the food and drink three weeks ago and nobody has apprised the Cheerleaders, the marching band, or army the armadillo, plans for the MilWood game."

"Uh actually the Cheerleaders know what they're doing. Cathy told me." I told him.

"I just think we've got other things on our minds." Jo said slyly before walking off. Mr. Hurley sighed.

"Just as I suspected. Well when you do find Cathy please let her know that I've installed a new Committee chair affective immediately."

"Uh Who?" I asked. Jo had left me all alone with Principle Hurley and I was desperate to leave.

"That would be me!" Alices voice chirped in. "We could use a hand pulling Pom Poms." She smiled at me.

"Sorry Alice, I'm busy today." I told her before leaving.

"You know a certain boy came and played ball with us today." Milton said leaning on my doorframe. I hummed a response. "Don't you want to know who?" He asked me. I sat up on my bed.

"Who Milton, Who was it." I sighed. He sat on my chair.

"Answer my question then I'll tell you."

"Okay what's your question."

"Do you think Jo would go to Phoenix Fest with me?" I snorted.

"I don't know probably, she's like in love with you. Last week she talked about for hours on the phone." Milton's eyes lit up.


"Yes Mil."

"Okay it was Allen. He came to the park and played with us. Then we started talking about you and Jo." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"How so?" I asked. He had caught my attention.

"He's alright ya know." I rolled my eyes. He was messing with me not telling me what I wanted know. "Anyways Shel Just So you know Junior said I could ask Jo." I huffed in frustration.

"What did Allen say ." I asked frustrated. He smirked at me.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." And with that he left the room leaving me in complete and utter frustration.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now