Come together

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"Hey excuse me we were wondering if we could borrow someone who can build, for Phoenix fest." Cathy asked once we got outside. I noticed Jo was standing with the boys an unreadable expression was on her face.

"I think I got the perfect volunteer for ya." He then turned to Jo."What do ya say Joseph." I frowned what had this girl gotten herself into. Jo groaned but reluctantly came with us. As we were leaving I saw a boy snicker at Jo as she left the two made eye contact then his eyes locked with mine. His eyes were a piercing blue and pretty indeed. I smiled sheepishly before quickly turning around and running after Cathy and Jo.

As we walked down the hallway an awkward silence surfaced.

"Soo how was everybody's day so far." I said trying to break the tension. They both ignored me.

"We could really use your help." Cathy blurted. "Your probably the only girl in Attaway who's ever even held a hand gun." I linked arms with Cathy.

"She's right you know." I said looking at Jo.

"That's what I've been trying to explain to everyone!" Jo snapped stomping on the ground.

"So then you'll do it?" Cathy asked. I smiled widely hoping she would say yes.

"Absolutely not." And the smile was wiped off my face.

"Is this about your mother?" Cathy asked. I mentally face palmed. Really Cathy, Really. "Because if it is-" Jo cut her off.

"It has nothing to do with her." Jo said stopping her short. " I don't need to plan an event I won't attend." She snapped before walking into the classroom, leaving Cathy and I outside. I frowned.

"Cath, I'm sure she'll come around." I tried to reassure her.

"Maybe." She replied walking into class. I slipped in behind her.

Once we sat down our teacher began the lesson again.

"Very well, there are many ways to fold a dinner napkin which is the building block for any-worth while soirée." I began taking notes immediately.

On the way home from school Cathy and I spotted Jo walking on the sidewalk.

"Stop." Cathy said to Lawrence "Let me out." He stopped the car.

"Seriously babe." He said in shock. She nodded and got out.

"Me too." I told them following Cathy. "See you later Al."

"You guys can't be for real." Alice asked shocked.

"I am" I told them.

"I'll call you later." Cathy said as Alice hopped Into the front seat.

"Have it your way." Lawrence said starting his car up again.

"Good luck with that four eyed sweat hog." Alice said before they sped off.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now