Shake Rattle and Roll.

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Summer was now over and Phoenix Fest was approaching faster then ever. The four of us over the week had come up with a plan for Phoenix Fest. It was now the day before Phoenix Fest and tragedy struck. Miss Gardner, our Home Ec teacher rushed to the front of the classroom.

"Girls, everyone listen there's been a tragedy." We all gathered around the little radio.

" there is a bulletin for CBS News. in Dallas Texas there have been three shots fired a president Kennedy's Motorcade in downtown Dallas. The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting. Here's what happened this morning just an hour ago. Since that electrifying flash came over the wires that bullet shots had been heard to ring out in the Kennedy motor cage." I felt sick our president could be dead. "From Dallas Texas the flash apparently official President Kennedy died at 1 pm central standard time." After that I couldn't listen anymore. I shook my head it couldn't be.


It was now Phoenix Fest and Jo and I had slept over at Cathy's. Cathy was already for the Phoenix Fest dressed in a nice light pink dress, her signature pearls hanging around her neck.

"You know what your supposed to do right?" Jo asked Cathy messing with some weird cover up thing.

"Yes for the millionth time." Cathy sighed. "Do you know what your supposed to do?" She shot back.

"Absolutely not."

"Please tell me that is not what your wearing." I told her. She glared at me.

"Well I was planning on it." I rolled my eyes.

"Jo that things hideous."

"Well what do you want me to wear."

"The dress I brought for you."  I Said pulling out a white dress with a satin ribbon around the waist.

"No, Absolutely not." She argued.

"Jo part of the plan is that your wearing a dress, you have no excuse." Cathy told her.

"Uh except for pride, integrity, human decency and shame. Pure utter shame." Jo grunted tugging off the ugly over layer. Virginia walked into the room.

"I'm only letting you out of the house for the night Cathy." She told her daughter.

"I'm aware." She said.

"So are we." Jo said gesturing to me.

"The boys just rang." She said checking herself out in the mirror. "They'll be here at 6."

"Thanks." Cathy mumbled.  "I can't wait to see the look on her face." Cathy gushed our once she was gone. "Your going do you might as well except the fact that your going to wearing a dress." Jo gave her a disgusted look.

"Over my dead body." She sassed. "Actually not even then. Remind me to amend my will."

"Fine," Cathy sighed, "Milton will think your beautiful no matter what your wearing."

"It's true." Jo threw her poncho thing at Cathy who shouted hey.

"Guys we've only got 2 hours." I reminded them.

"Right, Jo dress now." Cathy commanded.

"Fine Fine But I'm not wearing that." Jo said glaring at my dress. That's what led us to the next half hour of Jo trying on dresses. None of them looking quite right.

"Now can you please, try it on." I asked her.  She sighed.

"Fine." Jo snatched the dress out of my hands. She left the room to try it on. I sighed.

"That girl." I mumbled shaking my head before putting my dress on. It was a pale yellow  that was cinched at the waist before flaring out.

"Wow Shelley that looks beautiful. Allen's going to love it." Cathy gushed.

"I feel ugly." Jos voice spoke. Both of us looked up. My mouth dropped open.


"You look beautiful." Cathy cut me off. She shrugged before sitting down to let Cathy do her hair. I went to Cathy's vanity to do my hair. I pulled it up into a high crown ponytail.


It was 6 o' clock.

"Oh come on Jo you look fine." I yelled from downstairs. Jo grumbled something before coming downstairs, where me and Cathy we're waiting.

"Here." Cathy said shoving a boutonniere into her hands." She looked at it weirdly.

"What is this?"

"It's for Milton." I Said holding up the one I got for Allen.

"Okay?" She said. We all walked out the doors to the boys. All of their eyes widened.

"You look...great." Allen said once I was standing in front of him. "I mean.. shucks." He scratched the back of his neck unsure what to say.

"The word is beautiful Allen." Cathy told him. "Stunning,out of this world."

"Beautiful, Stunning, Out of this world." Junior repeated smiling at Cathy.

"You look Fantastic." Allen smiled.

"Thank you, You look good too." Allen chuckled before smiling again. I smiled placing the boutonniere on his suit.

"Wow um Jo you look beautiful." My brother said as Allen a corsage on to my wrist, it was filled with little white and yellow flowers.

"It's beautiful I whispered.

"Just like you." A blush rose to my cheeks.

"Thanks. You look okay too." He smiled at her. I looked over at Jo and tried not to laugh. She was struggling to put on the boutonniere but after a while she got it.

"Shall we?" Cathy asked linking arms with Junior as we headed off the the dance.

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