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We all sat in Mr. Hurley's office going through old report cards. I was looking through the 1940s hopping to find an FH.

"Wow, Alice really does get bad grades." Jo laughed.

"Let me see!" I said snatching the card out of her hands. Alices report card was really bad, it was filled with Cs, Ds, and Fs.

"Guys You've got to go back to at least the forties." Cathy sighed.

"What do you think I'm doing!?" I cried.

"Looking at Alices bad grades." Cathy shot back. Allen snickered. I shot him a glare, causing him to shut up.

"Look I'm All in for tracking down leads but this just seems like a wild goose chase." Allen spoke frowning.

"FH is in here somewhere I swear." Cathy insisted.

"What do we do when we find him?" He asked. "We know he sent love letters to your mom and sends flowers to Jane Hovacks mom.

"He has a point." I piped in. Cathy scoffed.

"Your just siding with him cause you like him." She told me. My face turned bright red. Jo giggled. I looked down at the cards and continued looking, trying to ignore Allen's stares that I could feel on the back of my head. "Allen, at least we'll be one step closer, keep looking."

30 minutes later still no FH.

"We've looked through the entire 1940s not a sign." Allen grumbled slamming the cards down. I placed my hand atop of his. He looked down and smiled at me Graciously.

"Guys, what if FH didn't go to Attaway and was like a pen pal or something." Jo thought.

"We've got to be missing something." Cathy said.

"Yeah we are missing something, the basketball game." Jo grumbled. Shit, I forgot.

"I forgot. Alice is gonna kill me!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah same with my dad." Jo told me.

"I gotta go." I rushed out. I quickly packed away the 1940s and placed them back on the shelf. I was in such a rush I didn't realize I had bumped into a large cabinet.

"Shelley!" Jo shouted . I turned around bumping into the cabinet again. This time I felt it. Books, plants, and trophies fell off the self, knocking me to the ground. All of them rushed over to me.  Cathy rushes past me.

"Thanks Cath appreciate it." I grumbled as Allen and Jo helped me up. Allen tugged me into his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

"Sorry Shel, But look what I found!" She held up a letter. Excitedly she opened it up. After making me sit in the chair next to Jo's Allen moved so he could see the letter.

"It's like I've loved you Forever, from another time m, another place, throughout eons. But in this time and this place, I can not continue to act upon those feelings, you can't act on those feelings. Your getting married Frank To Jane And you know how she is, if she finds out she'll kill me I swear, she'll kill us all." Allen read out loud.

"Stop, I'm gonna vomit." Cathy cried slamming the letter shut.

"Soo." Jo asked spinning in the chair.

"Don't you get it, my mom and Principle Hurley are in love."

"Ew." I muttered crinkling my nose.

"That can't be." Allen insisted.

"It's all right here in my mother's letter. Jane was going to kill them but they got to her first." I shuddered as Cathy finished her sentence. "Then they killed your mom and got Allen's dad to take the blame for it. There murders." Allen crossed his arms.

Wow he is hot.  I thought.

"Cathy, come on, don't ya think that's a little bit of a stretch."

"It's like the twilight zone." Allen muttered.

"Our family, the fire, it's all connected." The room was silent. It all made sense actually.

"Alright we should get going before my dad kills me. " Jo said standing up. I stood up to follow her. I had to get going too.

"Shelley wait!" Allen called. I stopped. "Are you Alright?" He whispered. I nodded. He pressed a kiss to my temple before he went back into the office to help clean up the mess. I blushed as I followed Jo to the game.

The game was over, Attaway won and Alice was mad.

"Shelley Victoria Tanner! Where have you been!" Alice yelled. I flinched as she used my full name.

"I hit my head, and the nurse said I couldn't preform." I lied. I had hit my head but I never saw the nurse. Alice nodded before walking off.

"Just tell me next time." She said turning around." I nodded sitting on the bleachers in defeat. Everything was running through my head and I couldn't think. My head hurt, it was noisy, and everything that happened since school started was playing in my head. Suddenly I felt sick. My head spun in circles and my vision went blurry. What if we couldn't fix any of this and we fail? That was the last thing my brain let me think before I passed out on the bleachers.

"Shel.." A voice said shaking me. I opened my eyes blinking at the harsh lights of the gym. Milton hovered over me, concern painted on his face.

"Shelley! What happened." Cathy exclaimed running over with Jo and Allen.

"I...I don't know." I told them truthfully. I just remember my brain going crazy before shutting off."

"Are you okay?" Allen asked lightly touching my head.

"Yeah I think so." I Said sitting up.  Milton helped me stand up. Allen then took over wrapping his arm around my waist while my arm was around his shoulder. And that was how my day ended.

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