Dangerous Liaisons

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Chemistry was boring. We were watching some video on the Manhattan project but I wasn't paying attention. I was focused on the tiny little dots on the ceiling. I glanced at the board and locked eyes with Jo. She looked away talking to Abby and I want back to the ceiling. I was lost In my thoughts, this week had been rough. Lawrence had been called down to the principles office leaving me luckily, alone at the lab table.

The video soon ended and Mr. Gibson started talking.

"As Trinity deprecated Oppenheimer thought of the Hindu scripture, If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once that would be like the splendor of the mighty one, to be. continued." He said waving us off. The bell rang excusing us to our next classes. Allen met me at my locker.

"Hey." He smiled. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hey." I placed my books back into my locker. "Hey did you hear about the Diner?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah it sucks." I nodded pulling out my history textbook.

"I was there yesterday and let's just say the new owner isn't so pleasant." I said sadly.

"Really that's-"  Allen started before Lawrence's shouting filled the hallway.

"Cathy!" I whirled around to see Lawrence charging up to Cathy. I rushed over to help my childhood friend. "Don't flatter yourself, id sooner date.." he looked around the room. "That girl." He spit pointing at Abby.

"Take it back." Jo demanded.

"Lawrence this isn't funny." I exclaimed crossing my arms.

"Shut up Shelley." He snarled at me before turning back to Cathy. "What sort of trouble is your family causing now Cathy." I rolled my eyes.

"Cathy's not involved in that." I defended.

"The last thing I need is your sniveling brother dipping his greedy hands in my business!" Lawrence shouted. I felt Allen's band brush up beside mine.

"I have nothing to do with that and your know it."

"Why don't you go ask your father why he's meeting with Henry." Jo added.

"You better tell me the truth right now. Right now!" He slammed Cathy against the locker. Dwight shoved him out of the way. The two boys looked at each other. Dwight turned away getting ready to head to class when Lawrence punched him in the face. Gasps filled the air. Lawrence began swinging at the boy.

"Lawrence stop!" I cried grabbing the red heads shoulder. He turned to me fire in his eyes.  He grabbed my shoulders pressing me against the lockers. My eyes widened.

"Stay out of this Shelley!" He snarled shoving me to the ground. I gasped. My eyes screwed shut. I felt Cathy besides me, quietly whispering if I was alright. I felt someone rush past me. I quickly opened my eyes as Allen threw a punch at Lawrence. The three had begun in all out battle. Lawrence tackled Dwight to the ground throwing repeated punches at him. Allen pushed him tried to push him off. Lawrence stood up and glared at Allen. He stomped on Dwight before thronging punches at Allen.

"Stop it Lawrence!" Junior shouted wrapping his arms around Lawrence trying to retain him. Junior and Allen began teaming up on Lawrence.

"Stop it Junior." Jo yelled to her brother.

"Allen please let it go!" I begged. Mr. Richards came around the corner and pulled Lawrence back.

"What is-" Debby asked stopping mid sentence. "Everybody Stop." She commanded. Her eyes suddenly fell on Dwight. "Oh my god."

"Dwight!" People cried.

"Dwight I think he's unconscious someone call an ambulance!" Cathy cried.

"The police are on there way all you guys get to class,now!"Mr. Richards commanded. Everyone shuffled through the halls while Jo looked at her brother and Abby and Cathy stayed with Dwight. Lawrence had disappeared somewhere. I rushed to Allen who was doubled over blood dripping from his nose.

"Allen." I breathed crushing myself in his arms. He hugged me tightly resting his head on my shoulder, his hand cupping the back of my head. "Don't do that again." I whispered lightly. He chuckled.

"No promises." I could feel a smirk forming on his face. I looked at him.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I smiled slightly taking his hand.

In the bathroom Allen sat on the counter while I carefully dabbed his face with a cotton ball.

"Why'd you do it Allen?" I asked him. I carefully dabbing Hydrogen Peroxide. He hissed in pain and his hand gripped my arm. "Stop that." I scolded slightly.

"He hurt you Shel." Allen told me looking into my blue eyes. A light blush formed on my cheeks.

"Still, look at you he really did a number on you."

"Not as bad as Dwight though." Allen told me. I nodded.

"Allen Alvarez Principals office now." The overhead speaker commanded. Allen sighed hopping off the bathroom counter. I watched him leave the bathroom. With a sigh I cleaned up the medical supplies I had borrowed from the nurse.

"Shelley Tanner please report to the principal office please." I groaned.


"Is it true Miss Tanner?" Debby asked me sternly.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Well that's not good is it."


"I'm going to have Mr. Gibson change your partner and besides I have a certain student who's been wanting to join Chemistry." She smiled.

"Yes Miss, am I free to go?" I asked. She nodded. I took in a deep breath and the left the office. Allen had told her about Lawrence and honestly I wasn't mad at him. Now I won't have him as a partner.

Alice, Allen and I decided to all visit Lenny together. We were currently standing in his hospital room.

"Hiya Dad." Allen said. "This is my friend Alice, and well you've already met Shelley." Alice waved.

"Ain't She a sight for sore eyes." He told us. My arm curled lightly around Allen's.

"It's a pleasure to met you Mr.  Alvarez."

"Did you hear, there letting you out next week." Allen told his father.

"I did son." He sighed. "I just want you to know, this isn't a temporary thing, me not drinking."  I looked up at Allen. "Once I get out of here I'm staying sober Allen. No more booze I promise." For some reason I didn't believe him. I wanted to but something just felt wrong like he was going to keep his promise until someone gave him something else to try.

"You friends  Alice and Shelley here are my witnesses."

"I hope so." Allen smiled slightly. Allen gripped his dads hand.

"It was a pleasure." Alice smiled shaking his hand.

"Bye Lenny." I said before leaving the room.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now