The Phoenix Fest

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When arrived at the dance was already in full swing. Students were dancing and teachers were talking amongst each other. Almost everyone in town had shown up.

"Wow," Junior Said In disbelief, "I can't believe this is the same exact place we played Milwood."

"Reminding us of your big victory Junior." Jo retorted. Junior smiled.

"Aw can it Jo." I looked around noticing Lenny wasn't here.

"Where's your dad?" I asked turning to Allen.

"Couldn't get him to come, town event and all." He sighed.

"Lucky, mine are already here." Cathy said with an eye roll. We all looked over at them. They waved. Junior was the only one who actually waved back.

"Hey Jo where's Bobby and your dad?" Allen asked.

"There coming after they finish up at the diner." She explained to us. "At least I think, hopefully in time." Junior frowned

"Time for what." We all looked at each other unsure of what to say.

"It doesn't look like my parents are here either." I Said with a frown. They told me they were going to come with the Fitzroy's. But it looks they hadn't.

"Look!" Cathy shouted.

"What are my parents here?" I asked.

"No he's here."

"Who Principle Hurley, why wouldn't he be?" Junior asked confused. Milton and him looked at each other.

"Hey teach!" They both called to him. We all shushed them simultaneously.

"What's going on?" Milton asked.

"What no." I Said awkwardly. Jo elbowed my gut. I glared at her. "Ow."

"Let's dance Milton." Jo said grabbing my brothers arm and pulling him away.

"Punch!" Cathy called dragging Junior to the snack table. Cathy came back to us with punch in her hands. Ray came walking up to her.

"I went to the library and made the Xerox's just like you said." I mentally face palmed.

"Huh?" Junior asked. I looked around. Luckily Milton and Jo were still dancing. Cathy hastily snatched the papers from Ray.

"Uh surprise for  later you wouldn't wanna ruin it." Cathy said to her date. Allen smiled at Junior, nodding his head.

"Keep those safe until Hurley gets on stage. Then find me. The plan doesn't start until then." Allen whispered to Ray.

"What do you we do until the plan does start?" I groaned, Ray!

"Oh my-" Allen grumbled rolling his head back in annoyance.

"What plan?" Milton asked coming up to us, Jo right behind him.

"The plan is to dance!"  Cathy proclaimed grabbing Juniors arm and bringing him to the dance floor.

"Dance okay!" Allen said grabbing my arm and leading me away from my brother and Jo.  A slow song came on and Allen placed his hands on my waist. My hands wrapped around his neck. We swayed to the music.

"Ya know this is a good way to spy on Hurley." Allen told me.

"Is it now?" I mused one of my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah I can see him perfectly." I giggled slightly as his way of small talk. It was quite cute.

"Come on lets move closer to him then." I said grabbing his hand, dancing across the floor. "This is nice."  I sighed. Allen chuckled.

"Yeah it really is. It's beautiful too." Allen remarked looking at me. A blush covered my cheeks, thank goodness it was dark so he couldn't see.

"Is it?" I asked him.

"Yeah really beautiful." I knew he wasn't talking about the dance. My face titled upward as his tilted down. My heart was racing as my breath hitched in my throat. I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks as my lips met his. I knew once I kissed him nothing would be the same and god I hoped it never would be. My eyelids fluttered shut. I wanted this moment to last forever but I knew it was going to end. So I clinged onto it. Our lips were connected for what felt like forever when we finally pulled apart.  I took in a deep breath.

"Wow okay." Allen said blinking. I giggled hitting his chest slightly.

"Hey Shel!" Milton said stepping between Allen and I. "Dance with me?" I rolled my eyes at my brother before Reluctantly letting him drag me to where lines were forming. Cathy and Jo went down the middle twirling around. Then it was our turn. Milton and I did pretty much was did what Jo and Cathy did. He spun my around and then picked me up spun me around and set me down. Last Allen and Junior went, doing I don't even know some kind of awkward shuffling pretty much.

"Cathy, what is your mom talking to Fred about?" I whispered walking over to them.

"I don't know?" She asked frowning.

"Screw this." Jo muttered turning around. All of us slowly turned to watch her walk towards to FH.

"Jo!" I hissed.

"Where are you going?" Allen asked.

"This isn't part of the plan." Cathy shouted.

"Jo Chambers!" Principle Hurley exclaimed walking up to us. "I'm a dress without any stains."

"Principle Hurley, also known as FH."

"I'm sure I have no idea what your talking about."' He smiled before walking off.

"Oh he defiantly knows what you're talking about." I muttered.

"Come on." Allen said grabbing my hand, pulling me after Jo and Cathy. Principle Hurley took the stage.

"Hello everyone." He tapped the mic a few times. "Not quite yet Miss Hargrove." He told Alice who was somewhere up front. "I hope you are all enjoying our first Annual Phoenix Fest." Applause rang through the air.

"Allen, your clear on the plan right!" Jo asked him.

"Yes Chambers. Rays meeting me back here."

"But not until after the Phoenix court is announced." She hissed through clenched teeth.

"I got it I promise. I want this just as bad as you do." I sighed leaning my head on Allen's shoulder.

"When we came up at first with the idea for this little event." I then got bored with Hurley's little speech.

"What if something goes wrong?" I whisper to Allen. He kissed the top of my head.

"Shel, I promise nothings going to go wrong."

Oh how wrong he was.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now