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I smiled slightly. "I love you too Allen. And I'm sorry about telling Cathy." He nodded.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you." He smiled.  I smiled back leaning into him. This time I was not going to screw this up.

"Alright thank you ladies. Lawrence and Shelley your up." I looked at Allen and he nodded. Alice gave me a concerned look.

"Well our chemical reaction was acid and heat. So basically what we did was take some lemon juice and water." I explained squeezing the lemon into the glass cup before adding a couple drops of water.

"And then take a cotton swab." Lawrence smirked dipping the cotton in the mixture. "And write something on the paper." On the paper Lawrence wrote Go Attaway.

"Then you take heat and put it close enough to the paper to were it reacts with the acid and you can see the ink." I smiled holding up the paper. Lawrence smirked making my stomach churn.

"Very well done you two. You make take your seats." Mr. Gibson nodded before telling Allen and Alice to go up front. I slid into my seat my hands fiddling with the hem of my skirt. I felt Lawrence's hand slid onto my thigh. I froze my breath hitching in my throat. I looked up to watch the presentation. Allen's gaze hardened when he looked at me. He could read me like a book and I knew he could tell something was wrong. Luckily the bell rang letting Lawrence leave the class. I let out a shaky breath before standing up. Allen and Alice rushes over to me. Allen gripped my hand as we left the classroom.

"Shel I'm making him switch partners." Allen told me.

"Al, don't it's fine I can handle Lawrence." He stop in his tracks.

"Can you though Shelley?" I swallowed. "I. Don't. Want. Him. Near. You. Okay." He said sternly. I nodded blinking back tears. His gaze softened seeing that he upset me. He gently grabbed my shoulders before pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry baby." He whispered in my ear. I felt my breath hitch. I loved this boy.

Instead of going to lunch Allen and I decided to go to the Chemistry classroom like usual. This time though Alice tagged along.

"Hey our project worked this morning Alice."

"Oh yeah it smelled even worse then this time." Alice paused. "Is that a good thing?" I snorted.

"Well Mr. Gibson sure thought so." I smiled at the two as long as one of my friends wasn't going to cheat on me, Which I hope it wouldn't be Alice, then I'm good.

"Yeah all we need is fresh milk forget your house." She mumbled pulling out her notebook. I gave Allen a glance and he nodded. So Alice knew now. Allen's face melted.

"Thank you for reminding me." He sighed rubbing his face. I frowned and lightly placed my hand on his knee. "All get some after Shelley and I visit the hospital."  Alice nodded.

"Allen you'll never guess who my dad is- oh sorry I didn't know you were in the middle of something." Jo said awkwardly. "Sorry that I interrupted." Jo muttered running out of the class room. Allen looked at both of us before rushing out of the room after Jo. I looked at ground. Alice lightly touched my shoulder.

"Let's follow them." She suggested. I nodded. The two of us left the class room.

"Hey, what was all that about?" Allen asked walking up to Jo's locker. Alice and I hid behind a trophy case.

"Last I checked you couldn't stand Alice Hargrove." Jo said rolling her eyes.

"Well she's actually been really helpful ya know helping me through some things." I looked at Alice and smiled. "I mean what's it to you, were just friends." My stomach churned. I knew he was talking about Jo liking him. "Besides We've been over this Jo. I love Shelley and I've never liked you, get over it already." Jo huffed rolling her eyes.

"Either way Allen I need a friend. You haven't once asked about the Diner or my dad it's like you've stopped caring all together!"

"Well that's not true Jo but I've got my own problems to deal with. I mean since when do you care?" Jo slammed her locker shut.

"Well its a good thing you've got Shelley Tanner and Alice Hargrove by your side." She seethed before walking away. Alice and I exchanged looked, what the heck just happened.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now