The Alvarez house

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"Let me get this straight you skip your first day of school and now you want to break into Lenny Alvarez's house." I nodded along with Jo. I was confused.

"Don't you two want answers."

"Yes but not like this." I replied.

"Jo look, Lenny Went to jail for starting the fire. If your moms still alive there has to be more to the story."

"What if he's home." Jo argued.

"Jo has a point Cath."

"Guys we'll just wait til he leaves. Besides When did you became a scaredy cat Chambers?"

"Woah I am not scared one bit." Jo said in defense.

"Good, cause we're here" Cathy replied. I wiped my palms on m skirt. My heart was racing. I did not want to do this.

"Shelley you okay?" Jo asked me. I swallowed and nodded trying to suppress my fear deep inside. Jo nodded going under the chains as Cathy did seconds before. I sighed before following them into the Alvarez house.

I followed Jo as she walked to the back door. She lightly turned the knob. It opened ever so slightly. I heard Cathy grumble something before Jo went over to her and pointed to the back door. She nodded and ran to us.

"Moment of truth Fitzroy no time to turn around." Jo said.

"I wish I could turn around." I muttered under my breath. They both heard me. I know they did they just chose not to comment. Jo carefully opened the door and peered in. The door didn't open fully so Jo kicked it letting dust fly everywhere. Cathy and I started coughing but Jo seemed unfazed.

We all looked around the house being careful not to bump anything. I stood as close to them as possible. The house was dark and smelled like rotting wood,mildew and mold. We turned the corner into the kitchen when Jo grabbed a pick axe looking thing.

"EE OO EE OO." Jo giggled pretending to hit us with it.

"Stop." Cathy chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I gave Jo a stern look and she put the pick axe down.

"Two dirty plates?" Jo questioned. I looked at the counter and indeed there was two dirty plates. My brows pinched together who was the other person?

"Wife?" Cathy guessed.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Doubt it. Lenny's wife and kid left him after the fire." Jo explained.

"Serves him right." I muttered. Suddenly Cathy was pulling out a Phoenix Fest flyer that has been sitting on top.

"What the hell." I gasped startled.

"What's an old man doing with this?" Cathy asked us.

"Spooky." Jo stated. I slapped the back of her head lightly.

"Don't say that your going to give me a heart attack." I scolded.

"Sorry Shel." She apologized. "Come on lets go."  She motioned for us to follow her. Jo then started coughing this time while fanning the air. I observed the dinning area. His whole house was small and dark and overall felt kinda damp. It gave me an unsettling feeling.

"Come on Jo he could be back any minute." I heard Cathy say. There was rustling of a paper then the two had gotten out a floor plan of some sort.

"What's that?" I asked walking up to them.

"Looks like a floor plan for a really  old building." Jo exaggerated.

"I think it's the Rubber Factory." I said pointing to a spot on that print that said 'the rubber factory.'
Cathy slammed on the table making Jo and I give her odd looks. She was bidding something. I could tell by the way she stood. Really slouched over and not lady like.

"What is it?" Jo asked taking a step towards her. She reached for Cathy's hand and moved it out of the way.

"I'm sorry Jo I didn't know I promise." I looked over Jo's shoulder. 'Fitzroy Industries' it read.

The jangle of keys  snapped us out of our thoughts.

"What was that?" I asked panicked. We all looked at each other. I looked to the door. A silhouette appeared. I knew I shouldn't have came we were going to die.

"We gotta go." Jo cried grabbing my hand. We ran around the corner when I heard Lenny yell hey.

We were sprinting for our lives. A gunshot rang through the air and Jo screamed. I toppled to the ground. Jo on top of me. Cathy stopped and turned around. Jo hopped back up me following seconds after.

"Sorry I just tripped and brought Shelley down with me." She breathed before we started running again.


"What do you make of it all? The blueprint, the flyer, extra seat at the table." Cathy asked us when we were walking back to our houses. I felt like I had just barely escaped with my life and didn't really want to talk about it.

"Well, what if Lenny didn't act alone all those years ago." Jo though aloud. I gulped as worry filled my stomach.

"What if-" I breathed out.

"What if he's planning something new?" Cathy suggested. I nodded thanking her for finishing the thought I couldn't.

"For Phoenix Fest!" Jo added.

"Catherine Fitzroy is that you!" Cathy's parents yelled.

"Listen next weeks my family's annual garden party,come, we'll sneak into my dads office and see what turns up." Cathy told us in hushed whisper. We both nodded. "Young lady." He yelled again. Cathy hurried to her house.

"Shelley Victoria Tanner in the house now!" My mother screamed from across the street. I sighed.

"Bye Jo." I told her before walking to my house, Preparing for the punishment to come.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now