Alice in the way

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"You know Shelley. Alice called today. She said she wanted to talk."My mother said taking a bite of chicken. I snorted.

"Did She now?" I muttered sarcastically. My brother chuckled and shook his head at me.

"Dear what happened with you and Alice?" My mother questioned me.

"I just saw her do something I didn't like that's all."

"So Milton thinking about trying out for the basketball team?" My dad asked.

"Yep coach said I was guaranteed point guard this year." He smiled at proudly.

"I think Junior Chambers should try out for the team." I piped up. My brother arched his brow at me. "You should have seen him in the cafeteria today. He made a shot from like 10 feet away," Milton nodded impressed.

"Well I hope I see him there."


The next morning I arrived at Cathy's house with Jo. Cathy and I had decided not to ride with Lawrence, okay well obviously. Instead we were walking with Jo.
I rang the doorbell. Cathy opened the door letting the two of us inside. Ray came barreling down the steps. He leaned on the banister admiring Jo.

"Out of all the houses in the world she walks into mine." He sighed dreamily. "Who is this ravishing beauty?" Ray asked kissing Jo's hand. She gave me a look. I just shrugged Ray did this all the time. "Shelley my darling long time no see." Ray smiled kissing my hand as well.

"Beat it Ray, you wonder why you don't see Shel anymore, this is why." Cathy told her younger brother. You could tell by the tone in her voice she was annoyed. Ray hadn't given up yet.

"Why can't this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." He asked looking at Jo.

"Get ready for school Ray."Cathy said tapping her foot impatiently.

"Are you quoting Casablanca?" Jo asked him.

"Mom Rays being weird!" Cathy yelled. I giggled slightly at the sibling banter.

"I'm going I'm going. We'll always have parents." Ray said.

"Out!" Cathy commanded. Ray then charged up the stairs. "Sorry my brother just discovered the movies." Cathy apologized turning to us.

"As long as he doesn't watch Psycho." Jo joked.

"Well at least Jo was his main target this time." I joked putting up my hands in defense. We all laughed.

"Who's your new friend dear?" Mrs. Fitzroy asked walking into the room. "I think I thought you better then to not introduce a guest." She said. Something about Cathy's mom gave me chills. "Hello Shelley."

"Hi." I told the older lady.

"Sorry,"Cathy sighed, "Jo this is mother, mother this is Jo." The tension in the room was thick. I felt as if I was going to suffocate.

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫── ALLEN ALVAREZ¹Where stories live. Discover now