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one | two year anniversary


"Please leave your message after the tone."

"Oh, Emma. My sweet Emma. Today marks the two year anniversary of our falling out. It's been two years since I saw your face or heard your voice. You never set up a greeting for your voicemail so I'm cursed to never hear your voice again I guess.

"I know the last thing you want to do is speak to me, but I'd give anything to hear your voice, even if you're screaming at me. The bar was really loud and now my head is pounding. At least that's better than remembering that day once more.

"You know I actually fell earlier. I was trying to leave the bar and who would of thought there'd be a curb. Face planted, really ate shit. Remember that video I got of James falling? Those were good times." He begins to trail off.

"You don't know what I'd do just to be near you again. It's really breaking my heart, Em. No one understands."

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