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thirty | nothing good happens after midnight


It had gotten pretty late by the time Emma eventually decided to leave. She reassured Ethan that she would return again in the morning as she kissed him on the cheek, muttering a soft farewell. He didn't want her to leave, but he knew that she couldn't be by his side for twenty-four hours, seven days a week.

The door closed behind her as she exited their apartment. It was a quarter past two and the air was cold. The lobby of the apartment complex had its lights dimmed and as she pushed the doors open to exit the building, a chill was sent down her spine. Her oversized hoodie and black spandex left her legs littered with goosebumps.

The main parking lot for visitors was almost entirely empty except two cars, hers and another's. Parked beside her Subaru, was an older white car. What disturbed her most was the man sitting in the driver's seat with the window rolled down, staring at her intently. As quick as she exited the building, she was back inside sprinting to Ethan's door.

She didn't know who he was, but he sent creepy vibes the moment she saw him. Something in her gut didn't feel right, and if there was anything her mother taught her, it was to trust your instincts.

She knocked on his door for the second time that night, looking around her to make sure she wasn't followed inside. Ethan opened the door and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Missed me already?" He asked, grinning.

"I realized it was pretty late so I figured it would probably just be best to spend the night. I mean, if you don't mind," Emma explained.

She decided against telling him about what she just experienced, figuring it was probably nothing serious. For all she knows, the guy could have been waiting to pick someone up and thought she was their friend. She blamed her nerves on how late it was.

"Of course I don't mind, Em. You know you're welcome over anytime," Ethan replied, allowing her to enter.

He closed the door behind them and locked it, unaware of the situation that just occurred to Emma. She was left feeling pretty rattled, but she hid her emotions well as to not worry Ethan over a pointless matter. She didn't want him to run outside and pick a fight with a man at two in the morning. Nothing good happens after midnight, anyway.

Ethan leads them to his room and shuts the door, pulling back the comforter and sheets to his bed. Emma proceeds to slip off her shoes and writhers underneath the covers beside him. She instantly relaxes when Ethan pulls her onto his chest, the warmth of his body slowly spreading to hers.

"I hope you don't have anymore nightmares, E," Emma mumbles, breathing into his neck.

"I don't think I will, not with you to protect me at least," He replies.

She smiles, knowing it was actually the other way around. She ran back to him because she knew that if anything were to happen, she'd at least have him and Grayson to help her. For now, she'll let him believe that she was his guardian.

Ethan fell asleep almost instantly, softs breaths escaping his open mouth. Emma hoped that'd she be able to fall asleep as quickly as him, but as she laid there for half an hour unsuccessfully, she realized she'd have no such luck. The heat began to devour her as the comforter grew heavy and Ethan's arms around her were hot and suffocating as she laid in her hoodie.

She squirmed beneath his tight grip, attempting to break free from his grasp for a moment to remove a layer of clothing. She pants once she's let go, swiftly discarding her hoodie onto the ground, leaving her in a black Calvin Klein sports bra. She exhales when the brisk air hits her clammy skin.

She stares at the ceiling as Ethan naturally moves in his sleep to grab onto her arm and toss a leg over her. She plays with his hair gently as she tries to distract her tormenting thoughts.

Emma can't seem to cease the memory replaying in her mind of the man sitting in the car. She had a slight suspicion but she shoved that idea to the back of her mind and tried to think of the other possibilities. It's an hour later when she finally dozes off to sleep.

When she wakes, she hears a loud groan beside her. She sits up to see Ethan with a hand on his face, laying flat in bed.

"Headache?" Emma asks.

"Mhmm," He grumbles.

She slides her legs off the bed, standing up to retrieve the bottle of ibuprofen sitting on Ethan's dresser. She rattles two out allowing them to fall into her palm. Grabbing the water bottle from the bedside table, she hands it and the medicine to Ethan.

He graciously accepts it and gulps them down. He crinkles his nose and looks at Emma through one eyelid, the sunlight peaking through the curtains being far too bright to handle.

"Can we get coffee?" Emma asks, knowing she won't be able to function this early in the morning without it.

Ethan nods his head, opening his eyes fully to get out of bed. He finally looks at Emma, realizing she's clad in only a bra and spandex. His eyes widen as he stares at her, causing Emma to blush profusely.

"Um—Can I borrow a shirt? And some sweatpants?" She asks bashfully.

"Second drawer to the right," He points, pretending to look away as she bends down to open it.

He opens his closet door and pulls out a plain black t-shirt and his signature red shorts. Emma's already changed when he turns around.

Emma holds hands with Ethan as they walk of out the apartment, fearful that the man may still be there. To her relief, he isn't.

something not right is going on...

also, for those that don't know, i have a new ethma book that's a soulmate au. it's called ultraviolet and i'd appreciate it if you checked it out! thanks :)

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