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thirty-one | your girl is next


"When was the last time you heard anything about Ryan?" Emma causally asks as they sit in their booth at the café.

Ethan had just taken a sip from his coffee and almost choked on it from the mention of his name. He definitely hadn't expected to hear it this early in the morning or from Emma for that matter. It was as if his name was a high level trigger. He furrows his eyebrows as he tries to think about the last time he heard about Ryan.

"Probably about six months ago when he was caught stealing from another gas station but they never found out about the other time so they convicted him as a first-time offender," He replies, "Why?"

They both appear to be very uncomfortable. Ethan instantly felt tense at the mention of his name and Emma was unsure if she should reveal what happened last night.

"Uh, no reason."

"Em, did something happen?" He asks, his jaw clenched and his fists turning white.

She sighs, "I don't want to freak you out because it may not have even been him, but last night when I went to leave, there was a car parked next to mine with the window rolled down and the guy inside was staring at me. That's why I came back inside."

Her confession has Ethan spiraling. His breathing has gone shallow as he's stricken with panic, unable to keep calm. Emma's immediately made aware of his reaction and she's now aware of the potential consequences that could follow if it was really him.

"Do you know how long he got sentenced for?" Emma asks calmly, trying to keep it together for both of them.

"Er, I don't know—look up what first time thieves get sentenced for," Ethan replies.

Emma whips out her phone and her fingers stumble to type the right words. As the search result loads, she glances up at Ethan who has his hands threaded in his hair, pulling at his roots.

"It says from several months to a year or no time at all," She answers.

"He could have gotten out," Ethan says, raising his tone and ending it with a maniacal laugh of fear, "I gotta call Grayson."

Ethan stands to leave the booth, disregarding his coffee. Emma swiftly follows, turning back around to grab her coffee, and then returning to Ethan outside. His phone is pressed against his ear as he paces anxiously.

Emma underestimated how serious last night's event could have been. Her suspicion may have been right but she didn't want to believe it.

"Are you home? You're at the gym? When did you leave? Emma might have seen Ryan last night in the parking lot. No, we're not sure. I don't know, Grayson! I'm freaking out! Meet us at home. Be safe, I love you, bye."

"Let's go," Ethan commands.

He takes off in a quick jog towards his car, Emma hot on his trail. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't find a close parking spot so they had to park around the side of the building. As they run, they're dodging other pedestrians walking along the sidewalk, Emma apologizing if either of them get too close.

Ethan can't think properly, but what he knows is that they need to get home in case Ryan decides to make an unexpected appearance. Back in the car, Ethan takes off quickly, startling Emma as he accelerates to merge into traffic.

"I just got you back, Em, I'm not letting him come between us again. I promise you that." He states, gripping tightly on the steering wheel.

Emma places her hand comfortingly on his thigh, "I know you won't, E. It'll be okay."

She didn't know that for sure, but she needed to calm him down before he makes a mistake he'll regret. This whole situation is chaotic and all she can hope is that she misinterpreted the whole thing and they're not putting themselves into danger. Emma never knew Ryan personally but from what she knows, is that he's the one that caused Ethan to put her safety before their friendship and placed him in a drunken depression for two years.

As he pulls into the complex and drives toward his parking spot, Grayson is pulling in at the same time. They park beside each other and hurriedly exit their cars.

"Emma do you remember what the guy looked like?" Grayson asks.

She shakes her head, "No his headlights were on and it was dark. I ran inside after I saw a guy staring at me creepily."

"Did you see his car when you pulled in?" Ethan asks his brother.

"No, I don't think so." He replies, causing Emma to breathe a sigh of relief but the other two don't seem to be as satisfied with that information.

Ethan grabs Emma hand as they rush into the apartment building, making a beeline towards their home. Once they arrive at their door, they notice it's slightly cracked open.

"Fuck," Grayson mutters.

"Emma stay behind me," Ethan orders.

The two brothers quietly step into the apartment, Grayson first and then Ethan, as Emma cowers behind the latter. It's eerily silent as they pad in, nothing seeming to be out of the ordinary.

"I'll check the rooms," Grayson says, stepping out of eyesight as he slips into the hallway.

"Ethan, the TV—" Emma says, pointing to where it had once been in their living room.

Ethan is barely managing to keep it together as adrenaline and fear course through his veins. He's only acting semi-sane for Emma because he doesn't want to freak her out, but he's slowly being eaten up inside by nerves. He hasn't had to interact with Ryan for years and the fact that he was in their apartment merely moments ago is very unsettling.

Grayson reappears from the hallway, "He's not here anymore, but a lot of our stuff is gone."

Ethan is still stood by the doorway, but Emma makes her way into the kitchen where she finds a note sitting on the island.

She gulps loudly, "Uh, guys..."

your belongings are nothing, but your girl is next

i didn't even think about ryan abe when i named the character and now i wish i named him brad after tana's cheater of an ex

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