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three | twisted game show


"Please leave your message after the tone."

"Grayson wants me to stop drinking. He just doesn't understand what I feel like when I'm not drunk though. When I'm sober, my mind won't stop and it hurts more than any hangover ever has."

Ethan removes the phone from his ear to check if he's still on the call—which he is, so he brings it back up.

"I haven't been able to work, I mainly just stay home all day. But you know, I wasn't always like this. When all the memories came flooding back, everything got progressively worse.

"I tried to stay busy for a whole year but the entire time I was drowning in thoughts of you and what happened. I couldn't take it anymore, so for the last year I've been unemployed.

"I know I hurt you, Em. But you have to believe me when I tell you I'm hurting more. Not like this is some sort of competition on who's been hurt more, actually that could be some kind of twisted game show. Could you imagine if people fought to win money based on how damaged they are?"

He begins to laugh at the thought, "Karen, please, my husband divorced me and then my company went bankrupt and my house burned down. I think that's worse than getting your arm eaten by a shark."

His stomach churns and he knows he's about to vomit, "Oh god, I gotta go. Em, please call me back."

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