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thirteen | it's a robot either way



This time the call didn't ring through multiple times, eventually reaching the voicemail greeting. Instead there was a human voice on the other line, someone who was breathing and living. It was something Ethan most definitely wasn't expecting.

"Emma—"  He mutters, dumbstruck. "You-You answered."

"Yea I did." She mumbles.

She sounded sad. Struck with memories from long ago, he pictured her face as she shut the door on him. It sounded nothing like the person he remembered two years ago. There was no inflection in her tone, instead it was replaced by a monotone robot, which might as well have been the automatic voicemail message after all.

"I never expected for you to answer whenever I called, I'm—" He begins to say, but as quickly as he started, he was cut off.

"About that," Emma said. "please, stop. Every other day I get waken up in the middle of the night to a call from you. It brings up the picture I set so long ago as your contact photo and I can't bear seeing that right now. If you care for me like you claim, then stop calling."

Ethan can feel the tears well up in his eyes, "Okay, Em. I'm sorry."

And just like that, the call ended.

drunk voicemails  ➟  ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now