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twenty-seven | broken glass


Emma awoke to a harsh shove to her side and felt a breeze as the sheets were abruptly kicked away. She sat up to find Ethan tossing and turning beside her, mumbling words that were incoherent to her. She placed an arm on Ethan to steady him, in hopes he would wake up. When that proved unsuccessful, she grabbed both sides while he continued to try and break free from her grasp.

She felt like a helpless bystander to his nightmare and realized she couldn't do anything to stop it. She watched in agony as he shook his head and kicked his legs, his words increasing in volume. It was easier to make out what he was saying to be pleads of desperation.

"No, Ryan, stop! No, no, no. Don't!" He whimpered.

Emma felt like crying. She could feel the terror he was going through and she just wanted him to wake up. The door opened to reveal Grayson, who was as worried as Emma was. He's been through this routine plenty of times. However, he wasn't expecting to see someone else in the room with his brother, but it made sense for it to have been Emma.

He stepped beside his brother, whispering a quick hello to Emma to acknowledge her presence.

"This happens a lot, there's not much you can do but let it run its course," Grayson stated.

They waited another minute and eventually, his breathing slowed and his movements came to an end as he relaxed. Ethan sat up and looked around him in fear, but his nerves were settled when he saw Emma and Grayson.

"I'm sorry it happened again," He said, placing a hand on his face.

"Hey, it's okay, bro. You can't control them." Grayson reassured him.

He then realized that his brother and Emma were in the same room and they never officially saw each other since the incident.

"Oh yea, I called Emma last night," Ethan stated.

"I can see that," Grayson replied, then adverting his focus on her. "Hey Em, it's been a while."

"Hi," Emma replied shyly.

With that, Grayson left the room which left Ethan and Emma alone once again. He looked over at his guest, almost shamefully. He felt guilty that she had to experience him go through a nightmare because he can imagine they're just as bad when someone else is having one. Ethan thought they wouldn't happen since she was over, but apparently the withdrawal symptoms still continue regardless of another's presence.

His skin still tingles with the urge to get a drink and now that he's had a full night's worth of sleep, he feels the impulses more intensely now that he's not suffering other side effects.

Emma watched as Ethan stared down at his hands, clenching and unclenching them as if he could visibly see the convulsions happening within. His tousled hair fell across his forehead and he quickly glanced up to view Emma through the strands of his hair.

"E, it's okay. I'm here for you. I'm sorry you're going through this, I wish I could take away your pain." Emma said.

Ethan sadly smiled in reply, unsure of what words were appropriate for the situation.

"What do you say we clean up your room? It'll make you feel better." She suggests.

He agrees, and leaves the room to gather a few trash bags. As he does that, Emma strips the bed of its sheets and comforter and carries it to their laundry room. Along the way, they brush shoulders as they head in opposite directions.

To lighten the mood, Emma says, "Hey watch it, pal. Can't you see I'm walkin' here?"

Ethan shakes his head and laughs and thats exactly the response Emma hoped for.

"Ay, who do you think I am, buddy? I was here first." He mocks.

They continue onto their tasks and from the laundry room, Emma can hear liquor bottles clanking together as they're being thrown in the trash bag.

After she sets up the washer and manages to find their laundry supplies, she walks into his bedroom. At that exact moment, Ethan drops one of the bottles on the floor, having missed the bag. The glass shatters and shards spread across the ground.

Ethan bends down to start picking up the pieces, "No, Ethan, don't." Emma warns.

She's cut short when he takes a sharp inhale of his breath, holding his freshly cut finger in front of him.

"Oops," He mumbles.

Emma takes him by the wrist and drags him into his bathroom, where she helps him wash the blood away. Of course, Ethan is capable of doing this by himself, but he's in a sort of sunken trance where he feels helpless. He's fortunate to have Emma care for him so tenderly.

She bends down to look under the sink to find a bandaid and is successful when she spots a box of them off to the side. She unwraps the bandaid from its packaging and wraps it around his wounded finger. He looks down at her as she's doing so and once she's finished, she meets his gaze.

Ethan looks at her with soft eyes, as if she was the only one to cease his never-ending pain. He gently places the hand that wasn't just cut on her cheek, stroking his thumb up and down soothingly.

She meets his stare and her stomach churns with a frenzy of emotions. He's making her see him in a different light, and all she wants to do is help him through his sorrow. She takes a chance and tilts her head up, standing on her tips toes as she meets his lips in a long awaited kiss.

He's shocked to say the least. However, he wouldn't let the opportunity go to waste and kisses back enthusiastically. He was worried she would feel like she was taking advantage of him in his vulnerable state, but regardless of the position he was in, this was something he longed for.

He moves his arms to wrap around her back and pulls her closer to his body. After a few seconds, they break apart and within their close proximity, their breaths mingle together. Ethan lays his head on her shoulder and she can feel him smile.

"Thank you, Emma. For everything."

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