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eleven | watch it, lightweight


"Please leave your message after the tone."

"I made a mistake coming to this bar," Ethan starts, as if Emma was actually listening on the other line.

"I'm beginning to think the bartender hates me, I think if I do one more thing to annoy him he'll kick me out. Not my fault he's a dick, though, but I swear he's overcharging me for my vodka. Who knows, I'm not sure my drunken mind is capable of doing math at the moment." He steps out of the bar, into the brisk temperatures.

"I don't want to call Grayson to pick me up," He slurs, "He'll be mad at me. I wish you could pick me up, I bet you would be nice and toasty in your fluffy jacket."

Ethan wobbles along the sidewalk, brushing against another man.

"Watch it, lightweight." He grumbles.

Ethan's head snaps back towards the hefty male, his hand fisting into a tight ball. He can feel his anger increase and his intoxication clouds his mind of what morally is right.

"You wanna say that louder, bitch?" He yells, his words floating away with the swirls of the wind.

The man simply scoffs, shaking his head and walking away which is probably for the best. He wouldn't stand a fight when he's so drunk he can't walk straight.

He then remembers the call, "Oh sorry, forgot about you for a second. Almost got in a fist fight. I think I would have won but the man was a coward. Alright, I gotta call an uber, I'll call you the next time I'm drunk, Bye Em."

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