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eight | let's fight in aisle eight


"Please leave your message after the tone."

"I was at the grocery store earlier today and I saw you. You were looking at the almond milk. I got so nervous, I went to the other side of the store to calm down. I didn't want you to see me. I'm not looking the best right now, I've got bags under my eyes and I haven't showered in a couple days. I only went because Grayson wanted me to get out of the house.

"I don't think if I had the courage I still would have said anything. What are you even supposed to say to someone that you hurt when you run into them at a grocery store? That's definitely not the best place to hash something out. I'd be waiting to get kicked out.

"If the circumstances were different it could have been me and you shopping together. We could be living together and running errands together. If only he didn't get in the way. I have to stop thinking about that. It only makes me mad and I can't go back in time to change anything.

"Hopefully I have the courage one day to change your mind."

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