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twelve | make believe reality


"Please leave your message after the tone."

"It's like four in the morning and I woke up from a six hour nap, and somehow, just somehow, I'm still drunk. I prefer this over a hangover if I'm being honest."

He yawns, "I could take another nap, but I'd prefer if it was with you. I could just hold you in my arms and pretend everything was okay and it wasn't all crumbling to pieces. Everything would be serene, no yelling, no shoving, just bliss. That's a nice thought. Maybe I can fall asleep to that."

"It'd be nice—" He says, "if we could just lay in bed and watch movies and your legs would be tangled with mine, our souls at peace. If our anger was diminished and we could feel our frustration drain from our bodies out the tips of our toes, and just like that everything was fine. This is actually really calming."

Ethan snuggles under his covers and imagines he can feel Emma's chest pressed against his back, her breath softly on the back of his neck, her arms around his chest with her hands tangled messily with his. He sighs, delving into the bliss of his make believe reality.

"Goodnight, Emma."

hopefully you won't hate me after the next chapter, but things will be picking up shortly 🤠

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