Beautiful Girl

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*MITCH'S POV* (ooohh baby)

Jerome and i were taking a walk when we heard an ear piercing shriek that seemed to be coming from down the street ahead of us. We looked at each other and both started running. We ran about half a mile when we saw a body laying in the road getting kicked by a much larger body. As we got closer i saw it was a girl... Not just any girl, the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. It was almost like love at first sight, and i had to save her. Jerome and i each grabbed an arm of the guy who looked to be 40 or 50. We dragged him back and Jerome he,d his arms behind his back as i punched him hard. I ended up knocking him out so i ran over to the girl to see if she was ok. She most certainly was not. There was blood draining from her face all over the road and her shoulder seemed to be either broken or severely dislocated. I scooped her up in my arms and placed her in the back seat. I reached my hand unto her purse and found a key as Jerome hopped into the front seat. I handed him the key and shouted "SHE NEEDS A HOSPITAL" as he turned the ignition and began driving.


I woke up in a hospital bed and saw 4 people standing over me. I screamed and smacked the closest one, but my hand seemed to do nothing against... his muscles. I looked up at the mystery man and almost passed out again. My hand- my hand was on bajancanadian's chest. My eyes widened as i looked up at him and he smiled. I looked around at the other people in the room and saw my mom, a random girl wearing scrubs, and... JEROME? I silently freaked out again as my mom jumped up and practically tackled me in a hug. I hugged back as she sobbed into my shoulder. "I-I'm sorry Hazel... I should have stopped it sooner" she breathed out between sobs. "It's ok mom I'm sorry too..." I whispered into her ear. Suddenly i turned stiff as i realized it, "Where is he?" I asked quickly half expecting him to walk through the door and slap me. "Behind bars" Mitch said as my mom gathered herself and sat back up. I then started crying but they weren't tears of pain anymore, they were tears of happiness. My mom smiled down at me and said "I'm going to let you talk to the two handsome men that saved you"'as she turned and exited the room. I looked at Mitch and Jerome as they both smiled and slightly blushed at my mom's unexpected compliment. "So you guys saved me?" I asked them. "Ya... OH! Im Mitch by the way" Mitch said as his cheeks were painted a light pink. "Im Jerome" Jerome said as he smiled at me. "I know who you guys are" I smiled as they began to look a little confused. "Oh that probably sounded creepy... Im a fan lol" i said as Mitch said "really? A pretty girl like you plays minecraft?". I blushed so hard i thought my head was going to expload. "Ya..." I said awkwardly. "How about we all go see a movie or something after you get checked out of here" Jerome said as he smiled at me. "All three of us?" I asked mentally fan girling inside. "Sure thing baby girl" Mitch said as i blushed EVEN MORE and said "uh ya sure that sounds great" i smiled "Do you guys know how much longer i have until i can go?" I asked. "I'll go ask be right back" Mitch said as he gave me a wink and left Jerome and I alone. Jerome whispered to me "#Hitch" and just as i was about to retaliate Mitch walked back in and said "They checked everything while you were sleeping and you just sprained your shoulder surprisingly and you can go whenever your ready" he smiled at me. "Awesome Im gonna get up and get all dressed and ready" I smiled and stood up, but not for long as i began to fall but luckily Jerome caught me. "Oh you ok, Hazel?" He asked. "Ya I should be fine thanks" i smiled and began to wobble to the bathroom which already had my suitcase in it. I got ready and stepped out into the room and saw Jerome and Mitch arguing about something... "Guys? You ok?" I asked as they both stopped talking abruptly and turned to me. Mitch's eyes widened and Jerome's mouth creaked open just a little, they were BOTH blushing... I had on a white crop top with black letters saying 'power moves only' and light blue skinny jeans completed with black converse. I also had my long brown/blonde hair in a messy bun on top of my head. "Guuuuyyys?" I asked smirking slightly. Jerome shook his head a little and walked up next to me and shouted "LEZZZGOOO" as they ran down the hall getting looks from everyone and i stumbled behind laughing.

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