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*Hazel's POV*

Mitch led us down the beach. We walked and even saw either a dolphin or shark, we couldn't tell. About 20 minutes of walking later, we reached the car. He ran to my side and opened the door like a gentleman. "My lady" he said and bowed slightly. I blushed and smiled saying "thank you Mitchy" and hopped in after giving him a quick peck to the cheek. He closed my door and walked around to his side, throwing the picnic basket in the backseat and driving back home. We sang along to Pandora from my phone in the car. I had sifted through a channel, only liking songs like 'Fergalicious' or 'All the single ladies' so we listened to that channel, laughing as we danced along in the car. Screaming/Yelling at the top of our lungs. Once we pulled into the driveway Mitch leaped out his door and ran around to mine while I was still unbuckling my seatbelt. He opened it up and escorted me to the front door. I stopped him outside and slammed my lips into his. He was surprised at first but kissed back and pushed me against the door, kissing me passionately. He pulled back, a string of saliva still connecting us. "Later" he whispered seductively and opened up the door. We walked inside and Jerome walked out of the kitchen to the living room with a blanket in his arms. I looked at him with a confused look on my face. Why did he have a- the blanket yawned and my eyes went wide. I looked at Mitch who was smiling brightly. "Happy anniversary baby girl" he said and motioned over to the blanket. I ran over to Jerome who was also smiling and he handed me the blanket. I looked down and saw the cutest puppy I have ever seen. It looked like a baby dachshund and I melted. I had always LOVED animals and was an absolute sucker for a cute puppy. I ran to the couch and set the blanket down in my lap. The sleepy puppy looked up at me with bright blue/green orbs that were still half closed. I looked up at Mitch and said "ohmygod Mitch it's precious! What's it's name?!? Ohmygod I love it! Thank you Mitch! I love you!" He walked over and sat down next to me. "She doesn't have a name yet, i found her on the side of the road a couple days ago and picked her up. I took her to the vet and gave her all her shots and Jerome and I have been keeping her a secret, she's yours now, what do you want to name her?" My eyes watered at how sweet Mitch was. "Th-thank you both!" I croaked out which caused the little puppy to move out of the blanket and place her paws on my boobs, jumping up and licking my face. I smiled like an idiot with my eyes still watering and scooped her up. Hugging and kissing her. "Can we name her Bella?" I asked as I snuggled her. "That's a beautiful name" Mitch said and hugged me. I set Bella down on my lap and hugged Mitch back, leaving a little space so that we didn't crush her. "Hey guys I hate to ruin the moment but Bella here has an appointment that I'm taking her to in like 10 minutes" Jerome said and smiled awkwardly. "Ya, here you go. Oh! Do you want Mitch and I to come?" I asked, kind of hoping he would say no. I loved Bella, but Mitch and I had some stuff to... Attend to... "Nah it's all good G" he said, taking Bella. "I'll let you to have some alooone time" he said with a wink. "Use protection!" He yelled and shut the front door.


I started laughing but Mitch stopped me by slamming his lips against mine. I was really surprised but I kissed back. Mitch pushed me down to the couch and pinned me. He started kissing my neck searching for my sweet spot. He found it on his second kiss and I tried to hold in a moan, failing miserably. "You like that?" He whispered as I blushed badly. He bit my sweet spot and I moaned out louder. "Then you'll love what I do next..." He whispered in a deep, sexy voice. My eyes widened and he moved his lips back to mine. He licked my bottom lip but i refused, playing hard to get. He grunted and moved his hands to my shoulders, pulling me up. He reached below me, still kissing me, and grabbed my butt, making me gasp. He used that to his advantage and shoved his tongue into my mouth. I bit his tongue softly then sucked on it making him moan. He aggressively scooped me up and ran upstairs to the bed where he shut and locked the door, even though we were the only two people here. He laid me down gently on the bed and took off my shirt. I tugged at his and it came off too. He looked down at me and licked his lips. My cheeks turned crimson then he reached behind me, unhooking my bra. He threw it somewhere in the room and began working on my breasts with his mouth. My arms went down to his pants and undid his belt as he continued sucking and nibbling on my breasts. I kept holding in the moans but he bit down causing a very, very loud moan to come out just as i threw his belt across the room. He smirked and pulled down my short shorts in one movement, taking my black lace panties with them. "Lingerie?" He teased. I pulled his ear to my mouth and whispered seductively "I had someone to impress... Mitchell" I used his full name. His erection grew yet bigger and he pulled down his pants, leaving him in his tight boxers and me with nothing on. Mitch kissed my lips, then my jaw, neck (stopping on my sweet spot), valley between my breasts, down my stomach, and stopped at my womanhood. He gave me one long lick and I shivered and moaned with pleasure. He stuck his tongue into me slowly, i wanted more, faster! I grabbed his head and tried to push him in further, making him chuckle. Which drove me insane. He pulled his tongue out but still hovered over the area. "Beg for me" he whispered in a low, sexy, voice. "Mitch- please!" I said looking down at him desperately. "What's that?" He asked smirking. "MITCH PLEASE" I almost yelled. "Do what?" He grumbled. "PLEASE MITCH I NEED YOU INSIDE ME" I full on yelled and he stuck his tongue into me going in and out, swirling it around. Licking every corner of my warm, wet caverns. I moaned his name as I came onto his face and he licked it up. He gave my entrance one last lick to clean me up and pulled down his boxers. "You ready?" He asked me. Lightbulb! "Hold on" i said and while he sat there confused I threw him off me and pinned him now. "Ha-Hazel?" He asked as I twirled my fingers around his manhood. I laughed evilly, "Yes Mitchy? Something I can do?" I smirked at him. I had him wrapped around my finger, well technically my finger was wrapped around him... "Hazel... Can you? You-you don't have to..." He said with lust in his beautiful eyes. "Beg for it" I said forcefully and leaned my face down to Mitch, giving him a lick, then stopping. "Hazel please!" He said eagerly and lightly bucked his hips in my hands. I leaned my face down inches from him and breathed hot breath as I whispered, "What's that you say?" His mouth was open with anticipation as he practically screamed out, "HAZEL PLASE SUCK ME PLEASE!" I smirked and wrapped my lips around Mitch. I swirled my tongue and pushed as much of his large erection I could get into my mouth and slid my hands down to cover the rest. He moaned my name as I started bobbing my head and massaging him with my hands. I moved my hands from his base to his balls and massaged them earning even more moans from him. He came into my mouth with a scream and some poured out of my mouth and down my lips landing on my breasts. The rest I swallowed and Mitch looked at my boobs, soaked in his cum. He pushed me to the bed and we switched places. He licked the cum from my boobs then looked into my eyes as he pushed into me. It always hurt because of how big he was but not nearly as much as the first time. He pulled himself out of me then slammed back in, making me moan. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed down onto him with the same rhythm he used when slamming into me. After a couple more thrusts he began hitting my g-spot over and over causing me to scream his name and the room filled with the sounds of both of our moans. "MI-MITCH IM-" I yelled as I came onto him. A second later his seed shot inside me and I laid my head on his shoulder as he pulled out. He collapsed next to me and I scooted over to him and turned so my back was touching his chest. He laid on his side and cuddled with me. "I love you so much Hazel" Mitch whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

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