Arriving in L.A.

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We arrived at the airport at 8 in the morning. Mitch seemed awake but Hazel and I were both still mentally asleep. I drank the last of my coffee. "Oh no" i said. "What" hazel asked and yawned. "Out of coffee" i answered back with one eye closed. "Can get some... On the plane" she finished and leaned on Mitch as we waited to board our plane. They finally called us and Mitch stepped in first? with Hazel behind him and me behind Hazel. He stopped and started lifting his carryon up to the storage thing overhead. Hazel tried to get hers up but Mitch had to help her. When they were done Mitch slid into the window seat with Hazel following him and sitting in the middle. I picked my suitcase up and sat in the isle seat. The fasten seat belt light turned on as the captain's voice boomed through the speakers "this is your captain speaking we are currently taking off please remain seated and have a nice flight" he said as the plain started moving. Hazel was already asleep and Mitch looked out the window. I took off my jacket, folded it up, and used it as a pillow as i drifted off to sleep...


"Wake up baby girl we're here" i heard whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Mitch smiling down at me. "Hi" i said, sitting up and stretching. I nudged Jerome and he woke up, "HUH?!?" He said loudly. "Hey we're here... You ok?" I asked. "Bad dream..." He said back and got up to get all our luggage. "Ya Jerome you talk in your sleep..." Mitch said sounding slightly pissed. I tilted my head at Jerome as his eyes widened. "Haha ya i bet that's annoying..." He said trying to play it off as he finished getting his luggage. I slid into the isle as Mitch followed and, being the gentleman he is, got both our suitcases down. "Thank you Mitch" i said as he smiled and said "no problem baby girl" i blushed slightly and started following Jerome down the isle. This was going to be my first time meeting the team... Im slightly scared. I mean i talked to Adam and Ti but thats it... I still didn't know Jason (minecraftuniverse) or Ian (ssundee). We got off the plane and i saw Jerome wave to a group of people who all started yelling... Yup that must be them i thought and giggled. We walked over and adam walked up to me and shouted "HAI HAZEL I MISSED YOU ITS BEEN A WHOLE 2 DAYS SINCE WE RECORDED" people started looking at us, a couple months ago i would have cared, but now i didnt. "HAI ADAM I MISSED YOU TOO" i also half shouted and hugged him. Ti walked up and waved to me awkwardly. "HAI TI" i said loudly and smiled at him as he smiled a little back. I walked over to Jason and Ian and shook their hands. "Hi I'm hazel nice to meet you" i said trying to put on my best smile. "Hellooo" Ian said blushing slightly. Oh he better not like me too. "Hey" Jason said smiling. "FLUFFY" Adam literally screamed and bear hugged Jerome. "ADAM" Jerome yelled back and even MORE people looked at us. To be fair there were two 20 year old men hugging as one screamed "FLUFFY"... I would probably be curious too. We all laughed and started to walk down to the car. "We brought two cars because there's seven of us" ti said and hopped into one driver seat. Adam hopped into the other car's driver seat and we all piled in. Me in a car with Adam, Mitch, and Jerome. My three favorite guys. We took off following Jason, Ian, and Ti for about 20 mins before they pulled into a giant mansion's driveway. "Nuh-uh" i said astonished. "Welcome home baby girl" Mitch said and kissed me. "WHOA NOT IN THE CAR" Adam yelled as him and Jerome fled the scene. Mitch and I laughed and kissed once more before getting out of the car and walking inside. What we found waiting was a giant pile of nerf guns. I smirked and looked at the pile, i picked out a giant handgun type thing and ran into a random room. Not knowing the layout of the house was just more fun. "Team?" I heard Adam whisper to me. "Sure, take no prisoners" i whispered back and pulled him into the room that i now discovered was a closet. We watched as a shadow crept pass the door. I pointed to it and counted down from three on my fingers to Adam. 3..2..1..GO! I motioned and opened up the closet door shooting whoever was unfortunate enough to be there. It was Ian. I shot him in the forehead and Adam shot his leg twice. "Ah how unfortunate" i said walking over to him as he fake died on the floor. I shot him again in the dick as he rolled over protecting himself. I did the same thing to Mitch and Jerome when we first had a nerf war. Some tactics never get old. I ran stealthily into the kitchen and saw Ti lying on the floor "dead". Someone must have been here... Just then i heard someone move to my right and i shot semi-blindly into the fray. It was Jerome. He fell to the ground fake dying just like everyone else and i shot him in the dick like i did with all my victims. He moaned loudly and Jason jumped from behind the corner and shot Adam as i dove behind the counter. I reached my gun around the corner and shot him a couple times. Once he was lying on the ground j shot him in the dick still staying behind the counter... Mitch was around here somewhere. I heard a gun cock behind me and the words "Hands up baby girl". Damn so close. I raised my hands and turned to face him. The "dead" bodies of Jason, Jerome, Adam, and Ti watching us. "Now... Come with me..." He said strolling behind me and pushing me forward with his gun in my back. "Where we going?" I questioned as we ended up out back. By this time all the dead bodies had gotten up and were watching from the glass sliding door. "Now... Jump into the pool" he said as the guys cheered. "Mitch" i whispered, "white shirts are see through when they get wet..." I had on a white tank top with some designs and some dark blue short shorts. "Its ok... I'll hide you" he said with a wink. "JUMP" he shouted smirking at me. "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP" came a chant from inside. I sighed as i emptied my pockets. And jumped into the pool. "YAAAAY" they all cheered as i pulled myself out near the shallow end. I covered my boobs with my arms and walked over to Mitch who had gotten me a towel. "Here you go baby girl" he said handing me the towel. "Thank you Mitch" i said back and turned around to pick up his gun. Once i got it i turned back to face Mitch and his eyes froze when he saw me. "Shit" he uttered as i told him "Now its YOUR turn to jump" i said and pushed him in. All the guys inside cheered again as i shot Mitch in the balls. "Oowww... Whyyy?" he moaned. "Shooting people in the balls is my thing, sorry im not sorry i said as i dropped the gun and walked inside with my towel only covering my front. "Hey!" I yelled as i heard a snicker from behind and got shot in the butt. I walked inside and asked where my room was. "I'll show you" Ian said quickly. "Thanks" i said and followed him to... An elevator?!? "WE HAVE AN ELEVATOR!?!?" I exclaimed. "Yuupp" he said and looked over at me. "So hazel... Are you... Happy... With Mitch?" He asked me seductively. The elevator doors shut. Shit. "Yup" i said and backed against the opposite wall. He walked towards me and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "are you sure..." I pushed him away and said "pretty damn sure". He looked at me and smirked as the elevator doors opened, thank god. I practically jumped out of the elevator and i wanted to run but i still didnt know where my room was... "Which one is it?" I asked trying to hide the fear in my voice. "Over here..." He said leading me down the hall. He opened a door and i stepped inside. "Wow this place is gorgeous..." I said walking out to the balcony. "Ya... Just like you" Ian said, i turned around just in time to hear the click of a lock. "Back off Ian" i said and made a movement for the door. "Oh come on hazel... Its just between you and me..." He whispered back. "NO IAN" i yelled a little loudly. Someone downstairs was bound to hear me... Hopefully. Ian walked towards me as i backed up more and more. "Ian..." I said begging him with my eyes to back up. "The sound of my name sounds so much better when your saying it..." He answered back. I heard the door handle jiggle. "Hazel? Did you yell?" Asked a worried Mitch. I started pushing past Ian but he stopped me. "Ya Mitch can you get in please" i said looking up at Ian. He started to lean towards me and i ducked out of his reach and ran for the door. I unlocked it and ran to Mitch's arms. "What's-" he stopped when he saw Ian with a boner. "Did he try-" he started and i just nodded into his chest crying softly now. Mitch took a deep breath in and told Ian two words, "get out". Knowing how bad Mitch's temper could get if you pissed him off Ian quickly jumped up and ran

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