Seven Minutes in Hell

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I stared at the piece of paper... No f*cking way... "Its..." I started and a couple of the guys sat on the edge of their seats. "Adam..." I finished as everyone turned from staring at me to staring at him. Mitch and Jerome gave him dagger eyes. I had seen Adam when he hit on me.. I was kind of scared of what this seven minutes in hell would entail.... He got up from the floor and reached his hand out for me, looking smug as sh!t. I reluctantly look his hand but stopped when we were beside Mitch and whispered, "you can stop this if you want to... They would understand.." He looked up at me and slowly shook his head. I sighed and followed Adam to the closet. Jerome walked over and eyed Adam before shutting the door. All the guys except Mitch and Jerome made sex noises and laughed at Adam and I... Oh they had no idea... Almost right after the door shut i was tackled by Adam with him laying on top of me. I kissed back, those were the rules. *sigh* He pinned me to the floor and hovered over me as we made out. He reached at the hem of my shirt and i decided that was off limits and backed up to the wall. He looked slightly hurt and whispered at me "come on Hazel it's the rules..." I stared back at the dark outline of his face. I could feel his stare on me as i shook my head. Adam sighed and reached his hand up to lock the closet door. "No" i whispered and tried to stop him but he nailed me to the ground with his body weight and reached at my shirt again. I kept my hands holding it down and he decided to go for my butt instead. "Adam...No!" I yelled between kisses and heard someone outside the door. "TIME'S UP" Mitch yelled angrily and pounded on the door. "We know thats a lie Mitch!" Adam said as i took the opportunity of his lips not being on mine to shout louder "Mitch help! Jerome!" I heard a lot more footsteps outside the door and it started to wobble. Adam managed to take my shirt off as i screamed into his mouth and bit his lip. "Feisty" he whispered and smirked at me. I squirmed under him as his arms reached around my back and played with my bra strap. I pushed him with all my force as the guys started trying to brake down the door, i had heard Jerome explain everything to all the other guys and i could hear Mitch panicking and running against the door. Finally light blinded me as a door hit Adam and he was yanked off of me. Him being yanked but still holding onto my bra caused my bra to go with him. All the guys stared at me and i tried to cover myself with my arms and stood up. I ran to my and Mitch's room and shut the door. I started crying on the bed and heard a knock on the door. "Hazel Im sorry" it was Jerome. "Can i come in?" He asked. "N-no... Im not dressed" i said between sobs. "Can you get a shirt on so i can talk to you" he said and i could hear an angry Mitch yelling at Adam downstairs. "Just-just a second" i said and pulled on a bra and Mitch's shirt. I opened the door and Jerome almost fell on me. "Sorry i was leaning on the door" he apologized and smiled weakly at me. "Its ok" i whispered as tears welled in my eyes again. "Come here" he whispered back and held his arms out to me. I hugged him and sobbed on his shoulder. "Im sorry... Its ok... Mitch isnt mad at you.." He whispered whenever i stopped sobbing for a second or two to breathe. Mitch came up the stairs and nodded at Jerome and said "thanks biggums" Reluctantly, Jerome handed me over to Mitch and watched for a second then walked downstairs, looking angry. I cried on Mitch's shoulder as he whispered "its ok... I love you... We took care of it... Your ok..." I stopped crying for a second and looked up at him. "I love you" i whispered and kissed him. "I love you too" he whispered back after we broke apart. I leaned my head against Mitch's and just breathed for a moment, trying to forget, just then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and saw Adam. Mitch broke apart from me and stood between Adam and I. Adam looked at me, then at Mitch. I was holding onto his shoulders, hiding behind him, with only my head poking out to the side. "Back... off" Mitch said in a lower voice then usual. "No" Adam said in just as low of a voice and tried to punch Mitch, who dodged, causing the punch to hit me. "AH!" I screamed and fell to the ground. They both paused and looked at me, then Mitch turned to Adam and tackled him, causing Adam to crash to the ground making a loud noise. I heard a couple more sets of footsteps run up the stairs and saw Jerome, Ti, Quentin, Ian, and Jason. The whole team. Mitch punched Adam over and over and Adam didn't look so good. Blood was everywhere, from Adam and I. "HE PUNCHED HER" Mitch yelled to the other guys who all looked over at my bruised nose. Ti and Ian tried to pull Mitch off Adam but ended up needing Jason and Quentin's help too. Mitch was practically flaming and it looked like Adam had been burned, badly. "Do you need a hospital?" Ti asked him and Adam shook his head 'no'. Good, we didn't need doctors or police in this. Jerome pulled my face up to look at his. "Im going to clean Hazel up" he said and scooped me up in his arms. He too looked really pissed off at Adam, i didn't blame him, i too had a few carefully chosen words for him that were by no means 'PG', as Mitch would say... Jerome carried me into his room then to his bathroom and set me on the counter. My nose hurt like hell, and there was already blood all over the counter and floor. Jerome started going through the bathroom closet and got out a small towel. He pushed it under my nose to stop the bleeding, i groaned when it touched me, my nose hurt so bad. "Hey at least if you broke it our noses might match" he said trying to brighten the mood. I laughed quietly and took the towel from him and started holing it myself. He kissed my forehead and whispered "i'll be right back Im going to make sure your boyfriend doesn't kill d*ckhead" i smiled as he walked out of the bathroom.

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