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I packed up my last box of stuff from my room. Literally everything fit in 5 cardboard boxes, we were never exactly rich.. I taped the box shut and stood up in the middle of my barren room. I looked over at the bed and smiled thinking how i wanted to end it all... How i thought it would never get better. But i stuck threw it, i pulled myself up when no one else was there to help me up. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw an ugly girl, tired, sweaty, and fat. Even though i was only 5' 5' and 107 pounds i still looked fat. A single tear ran down my face as i shoved my finger into the back of my throat and started vomiting into the toilet. I will soon be skinny if i work hard enough. My body will take what it needs and i will get rid of the rest. It has no place in my belly or on my thighs, it belongs down the drain. I stood up from the toilet and flushed away my fat. After washing my hands, i walked into the hallway and saw Mitch carrying my last box from my bedroom to my car. "Thank you benja" i said sweetly as i followed him out. "No problem baby girl" he answered cute as always. When we finished loading up and drove away i looked at the rearview mirror and let out a sigh. "You ok?" Mitch asked. "Ya i feel like my life is just changing really quick... But it feels good" i smiled over at him and he smiled at me, it really did feel good, starting a new life with my 2 best friends, my dad's in jail. It feels good and i hope it never changes. I look down at my phone, i have a text:

Jerome: did you tell Mitch?

Hazel: no and I'm not going to just forget it ever happened

J: ok...

"You ok? You look upset" Mitch asked. "uhm.. Ya I'm fine" i answered but it sounded sooo fake... Damn... "Ok..." Mitch said back.


"Hey Jerome can you help us with these boxes?" Mitch asked. "Sure biggums" Jerome answered back and came out to help us, once i was completely unpacked i laid down on my mew bed and stared up at the ceiling. I sighed and began to drift off to sleep. I heard my door open and pretended to still be asleep when someone crawled into bed with me. I snuggled up to him and just to make sure it was Mitch i opened one eye, to my relief it was Mitch, thank god. "Hazel, are you awake?" He asked. "Yus" i answered sleepily. "Ok i wanted to ask you something..." He said back. "Uhm.. Ok sure" i said awkwardly. "I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, i know that we have just met but i feel like your different then anyone I've ever met before and I love you" he looked down at me looking so vulnerable. "Of course Mitch, i love you" i said as i placed my lips on his. Mitch was only my second boyfriend and the first guy i've told i love them.


Mitch's kiss got more intense and he swung his leg over me and was on top of me, we started making out and i wasn't sure where this was going... but honestly, i was ok with it. I wrapped my arms around Mitch's neck his arms rested at my hips. Mitch stopped kissing me and started to kiss around my neck. When his lips brushed over a certain spot i began to moan and he continued to attack that spot with his lips until it was red and had teeth marks on it. "Hazel, are you sure..." Mitch said as he pulled back off my neck. I answered Mitch by pulling him down on me and kissing him harder and more passionate then before. He grabbed the end of my shirt and paused for a second, looking deep into my eyes. I smiled up at him telling him that he can go on, he was such a gentleman. Mitch lifted up my shirt over my head and stared at me. "Your turn..." I said as i smirked up at him. Mitch took off his shirt and i think my heart skipped a beat... Or five, he was muscular but not too muscular as to turn me off. He was perfect, and he was mine. He leaned down and we started making out again as he pulled me up a little and reached behind my back. Once my bra clip was undone he threw it off the bed and somewhere onto the floor along with both of our shirts. Mitch kissed me as he took each of my breasts into one of his hands and began massaging. I moaned into his mouth and he smirked into mine. I could already see a huge bulb in his pants and i got a little scared, i was only 17 and this was my first time. "Miiitch..." I moaned out. Mitch stopped kissing me and took one of my breasts in his mouth as my moans got a little louder. He gave the other breast a massage and switched so each got the same treatment. I took charge and rolled over on top of Mitch. He raised one eyebrow at me as i smirked down at him, he could easily overpower me but he wanted to let me take charge for a bit. I left butterfly kisses all along his neck trailing down his stomach to his pants. I reached my hands down, shaking a little, and unbuttoned them. By now the little tent in his pants was giant and i was getting more and more scared. I looked at his blue boxers and just kinda sat there, scared. Mitch saw me scared and rolled on top of me and whispered "its ok i'll be gentle, i would never hurt you.." I nodded my head and smiled up at him as his hands reached down to my hips and around to my pants zipper, he unzipped and pulled my pants down. I blushed a great amount as he examined me down below. His lips went to my waste, he bit my black lace underwear, and began sliding them off with his teeth. When they were off he used his mouth to throw them across the room and looked up into my eyes as he pulled himself out of his boxers and positioned himself. "You're absolutely sure right?" He asked being the gentleman he is. "Positive" i whispered looking up at him. He slowly pushed himself into me about halfway and stopped, waiting for me to get comfortable. While he waited he kissed my tears away and whispered "i love you" into my ear. Slowly the pain was gone and i told him to move. He pushed in and out then back in again. I moaned audibly and he grunted a little. He started going in and out again and again as i moaned "miiiittchhh" and he moaned "ha-hazel". "Im-im gonna-" i started as i came on him. "Me-me too" he shouted as he came in me. He pulled out of me and lied down next to me as i snuggled my face into his neck. "I love you" i told him. "I love you too" he said back as he wrapped his arms around me and went back to sleep.

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