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I woke up on an unfamiliar couch then smiled when I remembered where I was, burying my face into Mitch's neck with his arms around my waist. I heard something move at the other end of the couch and pretended to be asleep as i heard a snicker and a 'click' noise. I opened up one eye and saw Jerome standing behind us on his phone. "Instagram dat joint" he whispered as he walked into the kitchen. Being the sneaky shit i am, i untangled myself from Mitch and followed him into the kitchen quietly. Jerome was finishing putting the coffee in the coffee pot when i jumped onto his back and he screamed. He fell to the floor under me and i collapsed with him laughing. I rolled off of him and continued to laugh but tried to shush myself to not wake Mitch. Jerome whispered in my ear "payback's coming Hazel.." And rolled on top of me. My laughs turned to giggles as i looked up at Jero- he interrupted my thoughts by brushing his lips against mine. I didn't move, i couldn't, I laid trapped under Jerome who was kissing me. But what about Mitch!?!? I don't know if we are a thing! But Jerome likes me too? It was like a scene from my best dreams and worst nightmares, i had to choose someone... Mitch... Or Jerome...

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