Asshole and Dickhead

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I tried to scream but my mouth was covered by one hand as my hands were tied together behind my back. I opened my eyes and scanned the faces. I felt like vomiting, it was Adam and my dad... I stared screaming through Adam's hand and i finally realized i should bite him. So i bit him and when he moved his hand, screamed at the top of my lungs. They heaved me up, as i kicked them and i heard the backdoor open. I was still screaming when Mitch and Jerome ran in. I got a good kick to my dad's face and he dropped my feet. As soon as my feet touched the floor i tried to get free from Adam's grasp as Mitch tackled my father so he couldn't help Adam. Jerome punched him in the nose and yanked my arms away from him as i ran to my and Mitch's room. I grabbed a gun as a loud shattering noise came from downstairs. I untied the ropes quickly and loaded the gun as i ran back downstairs. I pointed the gun and shouted "STOP" at the top of my lungs. They all looked at me, gun in hand. Nobody moved. "Hands up standing over there" i shouted again and pointed. Mitch and Jerome moved behind me as Adam and my dad moved to where i had motioned. "Hah you wouldn't do this, your a coward!" My dad laughed and i pointed the gun at him. "Oh really?" I said and aimed at his foot, pulling the trigger. My ears rung as i watched my dad fall to the ground, clutching his bleeding foot. Adam's eyes went wide and he stared at me. "Please Hazel he forced me please don't Hazel please" he had tears in his eyes. I frowned at him. "Mitch? Jerome? Do you think he's lying?" I asked them. Neither of them answered though, still in shock from me shooting my dad's foot. The little sh*t deserved it though. I looked back to look at them and in that split second Adam had jumped forward, held me in place, and took the gun from me. He pointed it at my forehead, hiding behind me. Mitch and Jerome's eyes went wide, the gun barrel touching my forehead. No, he wouldn't... Would he? "Adam i was never going to shoot you" i said, honestly i wasn't sure if i was going to shoot him or not. "Come with me Hazel, or die" he whispered into my ear seductively, but still loud enough for Mitch and Jerome to hear. They both glared at Adam with steal daggers, Mitch looked the same way he looked last time Adam wanted to rape me, he looked deadly. I could feel Adam's smirk against my neck and shivered. "Well... Will you have sex with me or die?" He asked me, already knowing my answer. "Fuck you, Adam" i said, my voice sounding sour. "Thats what I like to hear" he whispered and licked my neck, causing me to cringe and try to move away. He jammed the gun barrel into my head and held me in place "nah uh uh, i don't think so" he said and turned me around to kiss me, the gun still poking my skull. "Maybe we can do this in front of Mitch and Jerome..." He said and I started crying. "I don't wanna" i said and started sobbing like an eight year old. He started taking off my shirt and tied another rope around my hands once it was off. I cried harder when he started kissing my neck and jaw. "Stop! Please!" I pleaded, my voice raspy. He stood back from me for a second and I became hopeful. Until he shook his head 'no' and undid my bra. He turned me again so that I wasn't facing Mitch and Jerome who were forced to stand there and watch. Luckily my dad had passed out and wouldn't see all of this. Adam started nibbling on my breast as i continued to sob, tears running down my face, neck, and boobs. Mitch was literally red with fury at watching Adam and I and Jerome... Where was Jerome? I turned to look at Mitch and tilted my head, motioning to where Jerome was standing. He looked over and started looking confused. Where was he? Adam zipped down my pants and took them off. I started hyperventilating and freaking out as he picked me up and whispered "wrap your legs around me" I listened, wrapping my legs around his waist. I could feel the bulge in his pants against my thigh and shivered. He carried me over to the couch and set me down. I heard a gun being loaded and Jerome's words, "Get off her" he sounded stone cold and ready to kill. I had never seen Jerome like this, it was kind of... Scary? Sexy- no. I was just happy that he was rescuing me. Adam looked at Jerome then back to me. Naked, crying me. Mitch stood behind Jerome looking even angrier then him. Jerome repeated "get off her or I'll shoot" i saw Adam reach for the gun in his belt loop and grabbed his hand. He struggled against me and i reached with my other hand and grabbed the gun from him. "I'LL SHOOT YOU GET OFF ME!" I yelled as Jerome walked over with his gun and yanked Adam off me onto the floor. I got up and ran over to Mitch. I hugged him and cried on his shoulder. Jerome told Adam to stay on the ground as Jerome called the cops. I continued to sob on Mitch's shoulder as police sirens could be heard in the distance. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me to our room, he set me down on the bed and covered me up. He started to leave but i croaked out "stay" before he got to the door. He turned around and walked over to the bed, lying down with me. I snuggled into him and he kissed my forehead and whispered sweet nothings to me. I smiled as i cried into his chest, i loved Mitch with all my heart. I fell asleep a couple minutes later after hearing the doorbell go off... The police must be here...

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