Taking to the cops

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I untangled myself from Hazel and went downstairs. I saw Jerome talking to a cop with a clipboard and Adam being taken away by another cop. There was also an ambulance with Hazel's dad being loaded into it. I walked over to where Jerome was. "And then I slipped away to go find a gun... When I came back he was over her on the couch, she was crying and she no longer had pants on... I pointed the gun at him and he started to reach for his gun but Hazel wrestled it from him, then I pulled him off her and she ran to Mitch and the went upstairs. This is Mitch" Jerome said and pointed to me. The cop looked at me and nodded. "So basically you guys are saying that Adam here, tried to rape your"-he pointed at me-"girlfriend?" Jerome and I nodded. "And where is she?" He asked. I said "upstairs, she's asleep. I could wake her up if you want to talk to her" he nodded and I motioned him to follow me. I walked into our room and tapped on Hazel's shoulder. "Hazel baby, the police want to talk to you" she still didn't have clothes on and sat up with the blankets still covering her. she yawned and nodded her head, her face was still wet with tears. "Ca-can I get dressed first?" She asked quietly, obviously shaken. The police officer nodded and we both waited outside the door where I told him about the history with Adam. All the other cop cars and ambulance drove away except for the one cop. Hazel came out of the room dressed in sweat pants and a tank top, she still looked gorgeous, even at her worst. God, i love her. "Ok, your Hazel right?" The cop asked. Hazel half heartedly smiled and said "the one and only" the cop nodded and asked again "ok so can you tell me everything that happened? Starting with your father" hazel shifted uncomfortably and said "ya sure... Well, " and began to explain for a while. She continued talking and answering questions for what seemed like forever. Jerome had come up and was listening too. I think she just talked about all the misfortune that had come over her for thirty, forty five minutes. I felt bad, she had been through so much. Such a sweet girl, such a terrible background. Hopefully a bright future ahead of her. Our anniversary was in a week. And i had some big plans...

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