Forgive and Forget

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I knew that he liked her but did he really have to kiss her? I mean come on, he just kissed his best friend's girlfriend. Man he must feel like shit. I remembered that we promised a hunger games earlier today. Maybe i'll do one with Hazel and say that Jerome had to take care of a friend issue, or a family issue. I don't know... I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend, she was beautiful. Even with tear stains down her face she looked good. I loved her with all my heart. "I love you" i whispered and untangled myself from her to go talk to Jerome. I decided I was mad, but not too mad. I just needed to talk to him. I knocked on Jerome's door. "Jerome?" I asked. "Im sorry Mitch I don't know what came over me I'm so so sorry" Jerome answered back. It sounded as if he had been crying? Ok i'll definitely forgive him, he's sorry. "Can i come in please?" I asked. A second later the door opened to Jerome looking like a wreck, he had an empty beer bottle over on his desk and there was one is his hand that was mostly gone. "U ok? Im sorry i freaked out on you" i told him. "I deserved to be freaked out on" he said back as he sat down on the edge of his bed and chugged the rest of his beer. "Hey i forgive you, just don't let it happen again, ok?" I told him. "Im so sorry Mitch thank you!" He said getting up and hugging me "i don't know what i would do without a best friend..." He whispered. "Its ok biggums" i said back and broke the hug. "Hey Hazel and I are going to record some hunger games do you want in?" I asked him. "Ah im kinda drunk i'll sit this one out" he said lying down on his bed. "Ok biggums" i said and walked towards the door. "Hey mitch?" Jerome asked.

"Yus?" I answered, turning around and looking at him. "Thank you" he said back smiling at me. "No problem" i said and smiled then went to go wake up Hazel. I walked into her room but didn't see Hazel... I turned and saw the bathroom light on and the door cracked open. I saw her stick her hand down her throat and my heart broke a little. "Hazel are you ok?" I asked her. I walked into the bathroom with her and held her hair back and rubbed her shoulders as she vomited. I was sad that she didn't tell me but i wasn't going to bring that up until later. "Shhh it's ok i love you" i whispered to her. She lifted her head up and looked at me. "Im done i think" she said and wiped a tear as she stood up and walked to the sink to brush her teeth. "Hazel why..." I asked her. She turned to me and started crying "Because im fat im sorry Mitch im so sorry" she hugged me. "Hazel you're the most beautiful girl i know and whoever told you you're fat just can't see that" i whispered into her hair. "Im sorry mitch thank you i'll stop i love you" she whispered back. "Ok good now do you still want to record?" She shook her head 'no'. "Ok well i talked to Jerome and i forgave him" she smiled at me and said "thank you" god her smile was beautiful. "You have a beautiful smile" i told her and kissed her forehead. "Thank you Mitch i love you im going to brush my teeth then go back to bed" she said turning around. "I love you too" i said as i walked away to go record some solo yolo hunger games.

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