Taking a walk...

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We all walked into Mitch and Jerome's house, it was a two story and looked adorable. I was mentally fangirling inside and made a mental note to scream and flail my arms later. "Hey I think Im going to go take a walk-" i started but was interrupted by a nerf gun bullet hitting my butt. "HEY" i finished, laughing. "NERF BAAAATTLE" Jerome screamed and threw a gun to me. Mitch dove behind a couch and Jerome ran behind a corner. I jump and rolled, narrowly missing Mitch's bullet, behind the kitchen counter. "GET BACK HERE BABY GIRL" Mitch screamed, "I GOTTA WIN DA HUNGER DEENS!" I laughed and shot him in the forehead then again and hit his eye. "SORRY IM NOT SORRY" i yelled as he fell behind the couch, fake dying. Jerome and i started laughing then looked at each other. I raised my gun, as did he, and fired shots as i dodged his bullets. I ended up hitting him in his nipple and laughed as he clutched his chest and fake died on the floor like Mitch had. I walked up in between them and shot both of their dicks. I was laughing so hard as they both rolled over hurting. Mitch got up first then walked up behind me, i was pretending not to see him and just before he shot me i turned around and shot his hand so he dropped the gun. He stared at me wide eye, raised his hands up in surrender, and asked "HOOOWWW" as i laughed evilly and grabbed his gun so he was defenseless then turned to Jerome who was standing right behind me. Panicking i raised my gun to shoot him but it was too late, he shot both of my boobs and laughed. "Ahh bacca whyy?" I asked. "CAUSE I WON THE HUNGER DEENS" he screamed then went over and high fived Mitch. We all looked at each other for a second and burst out laughing. "Ok guys I'm actually going to take that walk i was talking about earlier BEFORE YOU SHOT MY BOOBS JEROME" i finished jokingly screaming at him. "Can i come?" Mitch asked me. "Ya sure benja" i answered while i put on my tennis shoes. "GET IT MITCH" Jerome shouted as he walked up to his room. Mitch and I looked at each other then started laughing. "Ok lets go" i said smiling. "OFF TO WIN ANOTHER HUNGER DEENS?" Mitch shouted. "YES BENJA LETS GO WIN ANOTHER HUNGER DEENS" i shouted back as we walked out the door and down the street.


"How looong do you usually do dis!?!" Mitch asked exhausted. "Eh I used to take 3 hour walks to get away from my dad..." I said quietly half hoping he wouldn't hear. He stopped and turned to me. I opened my mouth to make up an excuse but was interrupted by his lips on mine. Sparks, fireworks. Bajancanadian, THE bajancanadian, was kissing ME. Little nobody ME. I was screaming inside and didn't notice i wasn't kissing back. Mitch pulled back looking slightly hurt and said "i-im sor-" but he was interrupted by me kissing him now. The kiss was light and delicate, and i never wanted this moment to end. He pulled back first and smiled at me as i blushed, maybe he couldn't see it in the dark... "Lets go home baby girl" he whispered to me and kissed me again for a third time. We both pulled apart and walked back with Mitch's arm around me. I felt safe around him and i never wanted to lose him. As we walked back i explained how my dad beat my mother and I, how all the kids at my school made fun of me, and then we just talked about minecraft. "You should play with us, meet the rest of the gang?" He asked and I smiled up at him and said "that would be fantastic!" He pecked my cheek and asked "do you have a channel?" "Ya i have almost 100,000 subs" i answered. "Ohmygosh really? Thats awesome!" He answered. "Yup" i said again as we walked into the house, his arm still around my back.

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