We need to talk

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I woke up and saw Jerome sleeping under me. I pushed myself off of him and wiped my eyes which were still wet. I must have been crying in my sleep... Mitch and I weren't meant to work out anyways. We both cheated on each other, the relationship wasn't healthy... I stood at the foot of the bed looking at Jerome. I felt kind of bad for liking him.. And for cheating on Mitch. I should have never done it. I grabbed my phone and walked towards the door. I heard light snores outside that i knew too well... Mitch had fallen asleep outside Jerome's door. Why did I have to find out about Ashley? Everything was going great- who am I kidding? No it wasn't, Adam was going to tell him anyways. I peaked under the door and saw that he was sleeping slightly away from the door. I could probably open it and step over him... I cracked open the door and it made a squeak noise. I stopped moving it, slightly cringing, hoping he wouldn't wake up. Thank goodness he's a deep sleeper. I slipped out of Jerome's room and stepped over my sleeping ex and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and sat down at the table, checking my phone. Of course i had multiple texts from Adam.

A:did Jerome tell you Hazel? Did he tell you about the possible deal? Or will Hitch suffer?

A:if you just do what i want for a couple hours then I'll let you delete all the evidence...

A:please Hazel...

H: Hitch is already dead and I would never do anything with a guy who threatens to purposely end relationships.

I set down my phone and took a bite of my apple. My screen lit up with a notification from Adam...

A:Really what happened? Did he by any chance look at his phone?

H:Nope, Jerome and I made sure he didn't see your little text, what happened was I saw the ones he was having with Ashley. Now please, do me a favor, and never text me again.

I turned my phone off and continued eating my apple. After a minute or two of thinking and eating i heard a voice from behind me, "Hazel... Im sorry, it should have never happened. I don't want to make excuses, what i did was bad. But i still love you and i always will, please forgive me..." It was Mitch, of course. Lets see, how should i play this? I can forgive him, i can give him the silent treatment, or i can go angry white girl stereotype in his gorgeous, lying face... Lets go with the silent treatment, i don't want to make things any worse then they are and Im sure as hell not ready to forgive him. I sat there eating my apple and pretended no one was there. I had a great poker face from everyone asking me 'where are those bruises from?' When i was younger. "Hazel please don't ignore me.... Please" he begged, strain in his voice. I could tell he was on the verge of tears. He walked over in front of me and sat down at the other end of the table. "I know you can see me, so look at me, do i look like Im sorry? Because i am Hazel! I am!" He said at first but yelled the last part. I picked out a freckle on his nose and stared at it, emotionless. I finished my apple and got up to throw it away. I started walking towards the pathway from the kitchen to back upstairs but was blocked by Mitch... I stared straight ahead and backed up to the opposite end of the kitchen. Mitch grabbed my arm and I let him, as if he had never touched me i stared off into the distance. "Hazel... Look at me" he said and forced my face to his. He moved his face near mine so that i had nowhere to look but at him. I stared into his eyes and was crying on the inside but i shan't waste a single tear on him. A giant tear escaped from his eye and he let go of me. He looked weak, as if i had beaten him or if he hadn't eaten for weeks. He stumbled over to the chair and sat there for a moment, then he laid his head down and sobbed. Right in the kitchen, me standing next to him. My eyes started to water and i had to force myself not to cry. I walked out of the room and once i was out of view of Mitch, started crying. I cried and cried my eyes out for a while until i heard Jerome yell out "HAZEL? MITCH?" I looked at my phone and saw that it had been 20 minutes. I stepped out from behind the door, wiping my eyes and walked towards him. He looked sad, i don't know why, it was Mitch and my break up. "You're crying..." He whispered. I wiped my eyes and shook my head 'no'... Too late. He nodded his head 'yes' and hugged me. I could smell his cologne and even some of my perfume, probably from last night. I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and I was yanked away from Jerome. "Who the hell-" i started and saw Mitch. He picked me up and ran with me in his arms out to his car. I screamed "MITCH PUT ME DOWN! FUCK OFF" at the top of my lungs, he kept running. "MITCH STOP IT" Jerome yelled from behind us, running after us. Mitch jumped into his car and set me down on the passenger seat. "WHAT THE HELL MITCH" i yelled when he started the car and drove away. "I need to talk to you where Jerome can't hear us" he said calmly. "Lets just talk about everything, no getting mad, ok?" I groaned. Yes, we needed to talk it out, but did he really have to drive away? I got a call from Jerome and was about to answer when Mitch look my phone and declined it. I stared at him, mouth open. Did he really just-? "Can we just talk?" He asked me again. "Do i have a choice?" I asked back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "No" he answered again and parked in the far end of a Walmart parking lot. I sighed, "so what do you want to talk about?" I asked. Mitch looked into my eyes and said "Ashley texted me first, it was when we were sitting in the hospital and you were laying your head on Jerome's chest. I thought for sure something was going on between you two and I felt terrible. I felt like i had lost both my best friend and my love... And Ashley was sitting there, ready to cheer me up. I know now it was a bad idea and i tried to stop texting her but its like a drug. I blocked her number yesterday. I love you. And i only did it because i knew about you and Jerome. I know that our relationship was pretty bad with me cheating on you and you cheating on me. But i think we can forget, move on, and think about the future. All the people in our lives that have done us wrong, we could move. Get away from them. Do whatever it takes to be with each other because Hazel, i really fucking love you" i stared at Mitch... I didn't know how to feel. He knew about Jerome and I? He didn't say anything? What? Why? "If you knew about Jerome and I why didn't you stop it?" I asked him. He looked at me and held his hand out to wipe a tear from my face. I let him... "I didn't stop it because I knew you would do the right thing, and you did. You guys agreed that you wouldn't be together for me. And i love you because you can do stuff like that" waiiiit "Mitch?.. How did you know that?" He smiled and laughed a little bit. "Jerome butt dialed me" i smiled and laughed too. Ah Jerome.. He leaned in and kissed me, my brain said it was a bad idea but my heart didn't give a shit. He leaned into the kiss and cupped my cheek. I broke apart from him and he smiled. "Can we start over? Move one date at a time? Pretend nothing happened?" I looked deep into his eyes. "No..." His face fell. "Hey i wasn't done- no because i think that all the bullshrimp we've had to deal with only made us stronger... I love you" i waited for his answer but he just decided to kiss me again. This was probably the most passionate kiss we had ever had. In a Walmart parking lot...

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