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I ended my recording and talked to Mitch and Jerome, "ok well I'm going to take a nap.." I said and exited out of Minecraft. "Ok well bye baby girl and bye biggums" Mitch said as Jerome and I said "bye" I looked at Jerome through the camera and smiled at him. I felt like a terrible person for cheating on Mitch but still... I really liked Jerome.. Loved* I corrected myself. "So..." He started staring at the ground. "Jerome I feel-" I was interrupted by my door opening and Adam walking in. I minimized Skype and muted Jerome but kept to where he could see us. "Hey Adam whats-" i was interrupted by his hands landing on my hips and him whispering "Hazel please let this happen..." I backed into the wall opposite the computer and said "uhm Adam..." I looked at the computer worriedly. "Hazel please I need this..." Adam continued and walked towards me. I heard footsteps outside the room and looked to the door. I heard Jerome knock on the door and I said "Come in" happy that he was there. "Hey Hazel i wanted to know if you wanted to come with me on a coffee run?" He said and glanced at Adam. "Ya- YA!" I said loudly and ran from Adam to him. "Haz-" Adam started but was interrupted by Jerome saying "Come on lezzgo" and rescued me from Adam. We walked downstairs and hopped in a car. He started going to the nearest Starbucks as i thanked him, "thank you Jerome thank you thank you thank you!" I said and looked at him. His hand reached for mine "No problem little bacca" he said. I got a text from Mitch.

M: Where are you and Jerome going?

H: Coffee run, you want something?

M: Nah im good thanks baby girl ily

H: ily2 benja <3

"Jerome..." I started. "Ya?" He asked sounding a little sad. "Is... Is this wrong?" I asked him. He sighed "I feel like I'm betraying Mitch..." He said back. "Me too" I said quietly. He pulled over into the Starbucks parking lot and parked in a space. "Do... Do you think we should stop?" He asked me. "Ya its just... I love Mitch, don't get me wrong.. But I love you too.." I said quietly. "Same" he whispered very quietly so i could barely hear.

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