Jerome or Mitch

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*JEROME'S POV* (waaatttt!?!?)

It was like a movie scene, kissing the girl of my dreams under me. I pulled back after a minute and blushed as i smiled at her. "Jer-Jerome..." She whispered. "Ya little bacca?" I asked with my heart filled with love. "Mi-Mitch kissed me last night" she spoke softly as my heart began to brake. "Oh uhm I'm sorry i-i had no idea..." I muttered back. Did i just stutter? Damn you mouth. I suddenly realized i was still sitting on top of her, i stood up then extended my arm to help her up. "Th-thanks" she whispered. Ohmygod what's she going to tell Mitch? He's going to be pissed at me! "Uhm what are you going to tell Mitch?" I asked her. "I don't know... Should I tell him?" She asked, "Well personally I think we could just forget and move on..." I answered. "A kiss like that is pretty hard to forget..." She whispered even quieter under her breath. "What's that?" I asked as i smirked at her. "Hm?" She played dumb. "I think you know what i mean" i winked at her and walked out of the kitchen.


Damn he heard me... Well i mean he was a good kisser... It's just... Mitch... I don't know who i like, well i mean i like them both but i can't date both of them. I have to choose... Maybe Mitch? Jerome...Jerome? Do i like Jerome more? I do. Damn how will i tell Mitch? Just then Mitch came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, great, perfect timing... "Hey baby girl" he whispered seductively into my ear. "Hey" i said back awkwardly. This is going to be even harder then i thought... "So i was thinking that maybe you wanted to move in with Jerome and I- I know that we just met and all but I was talking to your mom and she told me how you guys are going to loose the house... And well... I really like you..." He finished pecking me on the cheek. Of course i want to move in with them, it's just... Oh damn. Maybe I would choose Mitch... "I would LOVE to" i said and kissed him on the lips. "Whoa there hitch" Jerome shouted as he looked into the room. We all laughed but Jerome looked into my eyes for what was probably 10 seconds but seemed like an eternity... I looked away and up at Mitch then kissed him again and said "yup I think Hitch is official" Mitch looked down at me and smiled "sure is..."

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