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Ian walked down the stairs looking upset. "Ian what's wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing..." He said back and walked into the kitchen. "...that was weird..." Adam said looking around at all of us. "I'll go talk to him" Quentin said and got up. A couple minutes later he walked back in and said "he hit on Hazel and she turned him down the told Mitch..." He said fast and sat down. "Oh hell no" i said and got up, blood boiling. Hazel was like my little sister... Whom i just so happened to think was hot, but either way i loved her. I promised i would protect her and her feelings. Adam stood up too. "UHG" He said loudly and followed me into the kitchen. "What the hell Ian?" Adam shouted at him. "What!? You like her too! I just took the chance!!!" He said back. My blood boiled as i thought about poor Hazel being hit on by all these guys. I pinned Ian on the wall getting really close to his face, "Stay away from her or you'll have to deal with Mitch, Adam, and I" i whispered angrily at him. He looked at me with a mix of fear and fury in his eyes. "No promises" he snapped and pushed me off him. He started to walk out of the kitchen when Adam grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back to us. I spun Ian around and punched him once, hard, in the jaw. The little bastard deserved it as he stumbled backwards into Adam who proceeded to punch him in the nose. I walked out of the kitchen into the living room as Ian and Adam continued to fight. Did Adam like Hazel? Is that what Ian meant? Or did Mitch tell him about me? I stopped and turned around back to the kitchen. When i walked in i passed Adam walking out. Ian sat against the wall on the floor with blood coming out of his nose. I grabbed a icepack and some paper towels and threw it at him. He caught it and looked at me questioning. "What did you mean by 'you like her too' and who did you say that too?" I asked looking into his eyes. "I think you know what i meant" he said back. "Plus someone else besides you, me, and Mitch likes Hazel too..." He started. "Adam?" I asked. "You'll never know" he said and shifted to get up. I pushed him back down "but i think i will" i said with my hand still on his shoulder. He glared at me with daggers in his eyes. I glared right back trying to look as scary as possible. It worked. "Fine... It's Adam... He said he would never act on it but he still likes her" he said as i released his shoulder and walked back to the living room where i was going to yell at Adam. But i was interrupted by Hazel bounding down the stairs looking as though nothing had happened. She looked at my hand which still had a little of Ian's blood on it. Her face turned serious "Jerome what happened?" She asked, worried. "Someone tried to hit on my little sister" i said and walked up to her as she hugged me tightly. Adam walked up behind me and said "oh i don't think he'll hit on you again" there was also a tad bit of blood on his hand. "Thank you Adam and Jerome i love you both like brothers!" She said and enveloped us in a tight hug. Brothers... Brothers..... I know Adam isn't happy about this either i thought and turned my head to watch his face but he was already watching me. I mouthed the words "Ian told me" and his eyes went wide. Message sent, message received. Hazel let go of us and Mitch jumped the last two steps. "Ok now where's asshole?" He asked looking at all of us. "Already taken care of biggums" i said and pointed towards the kitchen. He had no idea how lucky he was to have her. Oh how i envied him.. "You all wanna record?" Hazel asked us. "Ya" and "Sounds great" came from multiple places in the room. "LEZZGOOO" Mitch shouted coming back into the living room. The others probably thought he was okay but I've known Mitch almost my whole life and i also knew he was upset. We all walked into separate rooms and recorded a cops and robbers where Adam was warden. I appeared in a cell with Quentin and Ti, Mitch, Hazel, and Justin in the other cell next to us. I walked over to the wall between us. "THE MAGICAL POWERS ARE WORKING" i said excitedly as i started breaking the wall. "Come join me in the toilet" i heard Mitch say as he slurped. I broke the first block and saw Mitch and Hazel sitting in the toilet together. "#Hitch" we all started shouting and Adam let us out. "Red light, green light! EVERYONE AGAINST THE WALL" Adam shouted as he slapped us with his baton. We all lined up on the wall and ran when he shouted "green light" i managed to run past him and when he said "red light" i didn't stop... He didn't notice me? I shift clicked right behind him and said close up to the mic. "Hey Adam... Turn around" i started slurping as he turned around and screamed. We all laughed as i ran towards the wall...


"Hazel since you were first to the boat you wanna take us out?" Jerome asked and punched me off the bridge. "All right guys thanks for watching this crazy episode of cops and robbers leave a like, subscribe, and make sure to check out all their channels!" I said as i fell and hit the water. "Goodnight everybody" Jerome said and we all ended the recordings. "Hazel you wanna play some #Hitch hunger deens?" Mitch asked me. "Ya sure benja" i said and all the other guys left the skype call. We started playing and made it to the D when Adam, Jerome, Ti, Jason, and Quentin all burst through my door and lifted me up. "Hazel?" Mitch asked as i yelled "NOOO JAYROOOME" and they all started heading downstairs. I managed to escape once but was tackled by three of them and lifted back into the air. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" I yelled as Mitch walked downstairs with a reaaally short dress... "What?" I asked him looking confused. "WE GOIN TO A PARTAAAAAYYYY" he yelled and they set me down in the bathroom and threw me the dress. "Guys i dont wanna wear this.." I started. "Nope no option" Mitch answered and they all stood outside the bathroom door. I changed quickly and opened the door to walk out but was scooped up in Adam's arms. He looked down at me and i playfully pouted in his arms. They carried me out to one of the cars and we drove off into the night to some mystery place.

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