Draw My Life

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*Hazel's POV*

I laid my head on Mitch's shoulder watching movies. We were both editing our videos and barely paying attention though. I finished mine and uploaded it. I decided to go back and check Adam's video and read the comments to our comment. Most of them said that Mitch was lying and Adam would never do that etc. but there were still quite a couple who believed us and most wanted proof. I decided to leave a comment myself...


Oh if only I could say Mitch was lying, but then I'd be lying. Sorry Adam, your secret is out. I was thinking of posting a draw my life video that says everything so tell me what you guys think on my latest video! Thanks guys, peace <3

I was pretty sure everyone would want a draw my life video so i started one. I began with the first night my dad beat me, then everyone at my school making fun of me, my dad almost killing me, meeting Mitch and Jerome, Mitch and my first kiss, Jerome kissing me, moving in with them, coming to Los angles, i didn't say exactly what happened with Ian but i said that he hit on me at first but stopped when i said i was with Mitch, getting hit by a car, Jerome in a coma, Adam and 7 minutes in hell, Jerome and my little thing, Adam black mailing me, and Mitch cheating on me (after i asked him if i could include it), and making up with him because we have an indestructible force called love. I started the voice over and told Mitch to shut up. At the very end he jumped in though and said "hey BajanCanadian here, and i just want to verify that everything in this is legit and i love Hazel very, very much" he kissed me, slobbering on my purposely. "MITCCCH YOU SLOBBERED ON MY CHEEK" i yelled and wiped it off as he laughed and I did the end and finished the video. I edited it for a bit and Mitch and my movie finished. "Now what?" He asked, i couldn't tell if he was saying it seductively but either way i wasn't in the mood. "Im tired" i said and yawned, pulling him down with me and snuggling into his chest. "I love you Hazel, i really do" he whispered as i fell asleep.

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