Wedding Fantasies [Logince]

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I needed something really wholesome after I had such an amazing day, so I'm going to give you an amazing day too! Without further Adeu....


Nighttime, the time of dreams. The time where he can completely take over and craft a world to project into Thomas's mind to make him happier or just reflect on his emotions through the day. Today was a very good day for Thomas, having gone on a date with his boyfriend. They've been going steady for almost a year now, and both men seemed extremely happy with themselves and their relationship. Roman has never seen Patton more affectionate, Virgil more chill, and he has never seen himself more productive. Even Logan has been happier since this relationship formed! Love is the best thing anyone can have: Fact.

Roman crafted then most spectacular dream for Thomas! It was a proposal skipping gay (because we never skip straight here) to a wedding. He had Thomas and his boyfriend's Suits matching in pure white, because black suits are overrated and they are way too hot to wear in Florida! Besides, white fits the aesthetic of a wedding better. Roman is willing to fight someone on why wearing a white tuxedo on your wedding day is better than wearing a black tuxedo. Logan agrees on this one so he must be right! Take that black tuxedos!

While Roman was watching the dream play on the screen, projecting itself into Thomas's mind, Roman let his own mind wander. Well, if that's made sense. He stood up from his desk he was working in within the Dreamscape half of the Imagination. He turned towards the door and walked out, leaning against the wall immediately next to the doorframe to the right. He looked up at the sky of the dreamscape. Fluffy cotton candy clouds with pastel blue skies. Glittery rainbows are abound and ravens made out of black licorice occasionally flew across the sky. Roman imagined a wedding of his own. 

Flowers of every size, color, and species set out in displays. Of course the daffodils and the cosmos would be the most abundant. Logan did teach him that sometimes the simpler things I need life are the most beautiful. Just like the cosmos. Not space, but the flowers. The altar will be veiled with white lace and translucent fabric, so thin that bumblebees could sting through it and not lose the stinger. Fun Fact yet again curtosey of Logan, from a date in the imagination from the past. Long story short, Roman got mad that a bunch of bees were going to ruin his date so he started swatting them away, but they began chasing him. Logan had to calm Roman down and be taught him about bees. Those valiant insects on their noble quests for their queen became his favorite big afterwards!

The best part of his Wedding Fantasy was seeing Logan. White Tuxedo instead of a suit and tie. He wore a little headband with a veil over his face, glasses extanged for a white frame with a stamp of glittery royal blue tape wrapped around the side of his left, signifying his status as the left brain. He wore a silver band ring with a sapphire gleaming brightly in the center. Roman just slipped it on his finger. Roman matches with a golden band and a ruby instead of Logan's respective colors. Logan put his hands in Romans and entwined them together. Well, after Roman flipped his Veil backwards to reveal his face. The stone fsced Logical Side was smiling wider than anyone has seen him smile before. The happiest moment they both have shared together by far, even if it's only a dream. For now.

"You May now kiss the groom" a Dreamscapes minister says. Roman takes off his glasses, putting them in his pocket for now. Roman grabs the back of Logan's neck and brings him ever so close for a tender and passionate kiss only the two of them could ever share. The left brain and right brain combine. Roman captured the lips of his true love and his life's fairy tale finally gets its ever-so-deserved Happily Ever After. Roman snaps out of his own dream to the reality he is in. The dream. He has to make sure Thomas's subconscious didn't go haywire and ruin his perfectly planned wedding. Hiding his flustered expression from the thought, Roman returns into the room 

Bonus Ending <3

Logan noticed how "on cloud nine" Roman seemed to be since he woke up this morning. Since Logan and Roman are the early risers out of the sides, being the most motivated and objective-seeking Sides after all, the two get their alone time together in the mornings. However Roman seemed to be in his own little world, humming to himself songs about matrimony and being a little bit more affectionate than usual. Logan had already tallied three forehead kisses and seven hugs. Is he feeling extra romantic today? Logan watched his boyfriend as he was working on some art project, sprawled everywhere using glitter glue, glitter gel pens, and markers. Whatever it was, it must be glittery. Logan smiled to himself, feeling a warm feeling of wholesomeness engulf his entire being. This was a feeling he never wanted to go away, and it never did with Roman.

Logan walked over to Roman and he sat down next to him on the floor. He had a giant ten-by-twelve poster paper and he had a giant sketched out epic drawing of a giant sunset meeting the ocean, but personified. He was working on using the glitter glue to trace the basic outlines of each individual shape. He finished the sun itself and was working on each layer of the sunset. Roman didn't even notice Logan was beside him before Logan placed a hand on his shoulder Roman broke out of his trance and turned his face towards Logan. He didn't expect a kiss on the nose at all. Normally something childish and cute would be something belonging to Patton, but no. Logan gave him a kiss on the nose and then flashed him the same small yet warm smile he can't help but receive from him.

"I love you very much, Roman. Don't ever let that slip from your mind."

And there's no way that's ever going to escape his mind. The two shared a bond that no other entities in the world can. Not only were they opposites that attract, but they were MADE for eachother. The left and right brain cannot function without one another. They need eachother to be whole. Roman set down his little glitter glue tube and took his right hand into Logan's left, whispering some reassuring words before going in for that deep and passionate kiss he dreamed of just the night prior to this moment:

"I love you more, Mon Mari~"

1142 Words

Headcannon: Logan loves hearing lovers give him pet names or telling him that they love him in other languages. Especially Romance languages like Latin, Spanish, or French, or very unused languages like Arabic and Native American languages. Headcannon accepted?


Thank you  so much for reading and never forget that the right person for you is out there somewhere. They believe in you and are searching for you. Maybe it's  time to search for them? They may not be as far as you think. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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