Awkward Bus Rides [Prinxiety] (Highschool AU)

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I constantly daydream about this scenario irl wether it's with whatever squish (half crush) I have or with one of my OTPs. Even though I'm no Prinxiety fan, it's the best couple for this scene. Please enjoy.


UIL was today during school. The choir and theater students had their competition today, so obviously Roman was getting on the bus to UIL. He's the main character in the theater production for then school! There's no way he isn't getting on that bus and there's no way he isn't excited for the production! He's amazing and he deserves this! He's going to do so damn well he is going to blow the judges away! Even if he has to pretend to be straight and kiss a girl. That's the only part he hates. Roman sat at the very front of the bus, right behind the driver because he was a good noodle, and instantly decided to stare out the window. He began to daydream about all the wonders awaiting him at UIL.

"Umm, excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here?"

Virgil was in Tech Theater. He was in charge of makeup and costumes. He was really good at what he did despite being the emo freshman everyone was scared of. He didn't really know anybody or knew what he was getting into. He normally sits behind the bus driver so he doesn't get picked on when he rides the bus on the way to school. He watched the boy look away from the window and at him and Virgil instantly knew he fucked it. Roman Angelo, The Junior and Star Of the play. He made his costume and did his makeup and everything. He was the most popular boy ever. He fucked up.

Meanwhile in Roman's eyes he recognized who this was. The small kid who helped him with his foundation and lipstick for that one scene. He was always timidly tugging on his sleeve to get his attention before fixing his prince costume and silently giving him a thumbs up that he can go back out on stage. He was really cute and actually hella smart. Roman sees him hanging out with one of his friends that he knew as that smartass from PreAP Algebra 2. Another freshman named Logan. Roman moved over a little bit and flashed a smile at the emo boy. Why be rude to him when he helps him out so much? He's cute too so that's a bonus!

"Sure, why not? But if I zone out or fall asleep you can't complain."

Virgil snickered softly and sat down next to Roman. His heart was racing due to social anxiety and crap like that. Lots of people stared at him from the various seats behind him. Virgil tried to ignore them, but he knew that wouldn't work very well. After a few minutes the bus started to leave for UIL which took place at a community center about an hour and a half away from the school. Virgil knew he had a long time to wait, so he decided to get inside his own head and daydream about someplace perfect. He had a happy place built in his kind he could retreat to whenever he was insecure. His key word to get in there was to think of gay ducks. It sounds weird, but it's how Virgil zones out. He thinks of gay ducks and rainbows and suddenly he is enamored with his own imagination.

Virgil closed his eyes and leaned back against the chair. What would he dream of today? Suddenly his mind bursted pastel images of a grassy terrain right next to a deep blue lake housing ducks and turtles galore. Of course, the ducks are gay and the turtles are lesbians. A rainbow stretched over the lake and fluffy white clouds littered the baby blue skies. Virgil smiled, eyes still closed, as he ran into the arms of his moms. His body was much smaller in the dream and didn't have nearly as many scars and tattoos as it does now. He kissed his mommy on her cheek and held his mama's hand. Everything was perfect in his imagination and he can finally be the happy boy that Mommy was so very proud of to this day, and the happy boy that Mama could watch from heaven and smile at.

After thirty minutes Roman flinched when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He was busy watchint the trees and the pedestrians roll along on the sidewalk he didn't even notice that the cute freshman emo boy closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Roman turned his head and saw the boy with a small smile spread over his lips San he craned his neck to the side, using his shoulder as a pillow. Roman couldn't help but chuckle. He won't wake him up to tease him. In fact, he moved his arm around his so that he could use his whole arm instead of just his shoulder. How ironic. Roman warned him that he might fall asleep on him when in reality smol precious bean fell asleep on him, who knew?

Roman looked around at all the seats near him. The one directly behind him, the one directly across from him, and the one directly diagonal from him. They all seemed busy and didn't care. Roman didn't really care anyways, but he figured cute smol emo child would care. He's always skiddish and kinda unpopular. Roman gazed at his face one last time adoringly before returning his attention to the window and all that rolls past it. He felt really whosome and good for no apparent reason, and that was obvious in his daydreaming. Fun Fact: Roman was gayer than Pearl from Steven Universe who is gayer than the living embodiment of a gay relationship. Even Funner Fact: Roman was a super hopeless romantic. What that means is that he instantly began planning his first date with Mr. Smol Dark And Handsome. 

That is, of course, after trying to remember his name for like fifteen minutes. Roman is a forgetful boy, okay? Fight him.

1024 Words

I felt like I really needed this personally so.... here ya go.

I don't have much advice today except follow your dreams and do what makes you happiest. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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