Love vs. Lust [Analogical]

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Virgil was humming the tune to yet another song blaring through his large headphones as he reached for a snack in the fridge downstairs in the main mindspace. Thinking of Logan, he grabbed an apple and walked over and flopped on the couch. He took the apple and chomped right into it. The song ended and another one started playing that he didn't really recognize. Did Patton mess with his playlist again? He swore he was only listening to Set it Off and Starset. It was a girl artist and he had a really high voice. Curious, he started listening closely to the lyrics. When he realized it was a suggestive yet meaningful song, he started tapping his fingers against his leg and thinking about it. Her voice was cute, sure. But... the relationship described in the song was something he didn't want. It made him grow anxious about his relationship.

Logan noticed Virgil wasn't in his room when he went looking for him. How odd. He's normally in his room listening to music or managing tasks and social interactions. That or he's just pure asleep or watching YouTube videos. He's noticed he's been watching a lot of James Charles recently and he wanted to bring that up some time in conversation, but he never found the appropriate moment. Logan grew concerned. Where was his boyfriend? He went to the mind space. The central mind space. Relief filled his chest when Logan saw Virgil sat the dinning took table. He had headphones in and a few papers sprawled put with a pencil. Currently, he was reading something on his phone. Logan hadn't told him reading something on such a small, cracked monitor would prove bad for his eyes but yet again here he is. Logan was too curious to what he was doing to scold him for something so trivial. Logan walked up behind him to took a gaze at the papers.

Logan practically flinched when he saw the big sharpie header love or lust? In cursive handwriting. There were lots of bullet points and facts distinguishing the two on that page. Logan looked to the next page. At the top there was a doodle of him and Virgil holding hands. There was another charts with five words or less per bulletpoint capturing a memory or a feeling Virgil might be having and he classified it as either love, lust, or neither. What had provoked this sort of thought inside of Virgil? Whatever it was, it had Virgil so focused he hasn't sensed the presence of Logan behind him. Logan looked at the last page he had worked on, thenone he was currently writing a summary of an article on. It was Virgil tallying up all the remarks and trying to figure out percentages and a goal at the top of his math saying how he wants 100% Love and 0% lust. That's impossible, but it was a nice thought. Maybe a better goal to shoot for would be 90% and 10%, because getting horny was inevitable, especially around the ones you love.


Logan put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. Virgil jumped in his seat and gathered his papers hurriedly, slamming his headphones off his ears and spinning his torso around him his chest to face Logan. His face was burning up red. Anxiety was fksring up in his eyes. Poor dear. Before Virgil could make an excuse or protest, Logan pushed his fringe out of his face and ran his fingers through his hair. He tried giving Virgil his most loving look, but it's hard to do when you are an almost emotionless robot of logic. Or, at least he tried to be because that's his purpose. He then crouches down so that he was slightly below Virgil. He cranes his head up and gives him a tender, soothing, quick kiss on the lips. 

"If you're having doubts about our relationship, there's no need. There is no way I am not in love with you. Not lust, not like. I love you and I most likely will never stop loving you. I've run the equations and I only have a 0.001% chance of falling out of love with you, which in real life is impossible. I'm proud of you for all the research you have conducted. It makes me proud to have such a resourceful and intellectual person by my side. However the topic is utterly frivolous. Perhaps we can do a research project together on a better, more lighthearted project if you wish to do a research project."

Logan won't lie. He was kind of excited to do a research project now. No matter the topic unless it was entirely senseless like trying to decipher if his love for Virgil was genuine. Stupid question. It is genuine. Virgil looked in his eyes a moment and watched Logan conjure up several new pieces of paper and a laptop and he placed them on the table. Then he conjured some pretty glitter pens (stole from Roman just for Virgil) and slid them over to him, knowing how much Virgil adores the glitter. Virgil kept staring at him as he opened a new Chrome Browser, smiling like a doofus. Wait, was Logan smiling like a Doofus? Probably. He was really excited to do something like this with the person he loves more than anything. He looked back over at Virgil, who seemed frozen. Logan leaned in and pressed a peck on his nose, hopefully that would get him out of his daze.

"Virgil, what should our topic be? This is all about you after all."

Virgil glanced back at his other papers. Logan watched Virgil take each of the three papers and crumpled them up in his hands. He slid them across the table with his phone and headphones. Virgil then turned back to Logan and just smiled, leaning his head on his shoulder. He didn't say a word. Logan understood. He just wanted Logan there for reassurance. Maybe Logan could do some more extended research on what makes a healthy relationship? That would probably be best so he could prevent Virgil rom doing things like this. Logan typed in the words into the google hotbar and started with his research. After a while, Virgil fell asleep on his shoulder. Logan looked over at him and smiled. He closed the laptop.

Logan shifted Virgil upright and then stood up. He picked up Virgil bridal style and took him to his bedroom. Which bedroom did that mean since they both were boys who use the same pronouns? Who knows! That is entirely up to you to decide! Logan set Virgil down on the bed and took his hair away from his forehead. Logan put a sweet, loving, almost motherly kiss on Virgil's forehead before returning downstairs to finish his project. He may not be the most creative, but he will try to use the glitter pens. Just for Virgil.

1152 Words

Remember that you matter and your relationships matter. If it still toxic, get out of there. If it's healthy, do your best to keep it healthy. No matter if familial, romantic, or platonic. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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